Shit thrown @ Evan:
He's out of his depth and scared. And of course he should be scared of clones, other teams would do a better job at creating a clone than he will creating the original. XC already has its clones and they are miles behind. It's the advantage of having a qualified Dev, it doesn't matter who else has your code aslong as your a better coder. With Evan there are a hundred better coders in the altcoin space. With dan I'm struggling to think of even one
Once the media gets out those market caps will converge and closed source DRK with its incapable Dev will begin to fall as the media turns towards their competitors.
So... if Evan is so "incapable", and if there are "hundreds of better coders" in altcoins, I ask you this:
1. What have these coders coded in terms of anonymity? Oh yes, nothing.
2. Why is everybody waiting for Evan to opensource? Oh yes, because they can't code shit.
3. What did those hundreds of better coders do when their coins were affected by KGW-time warp? Oh yes, they did nothing except wait for someone else to find a solution. Someone like Evan.
4. What is the typical target market of ...loljosh?
5. Why is XC copying the model of nodes and services from DRK?
6. Why wasn't XC's competent dev aware of the fundamental flaw of his design that took away the trust-less element of the Bitcoin protocol, turning Satoshi's innovation and turning it back into trusted transactions - despite being repeatedly told about this?
Btw, you have borderline hate issues with Evan and this is NOT healthy. I mean ok, we are waving our dicks in terms of who's got the better coin, but what are you writing is really problematic.
Evan is trying to make something and he may fail 100 times until he gets it right. Like Edisson who discovered 1000 ways of how not to make a light bulb, until he made it. Who cares? The fudders? "Ohhh he forked the coin because the payments failed"... yeah well Bitcoin core devs forked Bitcoin without even introducing something as radical as a change to the protocol itself, like masternode payments. So by the same definition perhaps they are even more incompetent than Evan and, by extension, even more incompetent than all those hundreds of "better coders" that exist in altcoins.
In conclusion I'll say this:
The primary DRK buyer (the one who has a very large stake at DRK) is also the primary XC buyer who diversified into XC. Given that the future of small investors in DRK and XC is intertwined with the trust of the primary buyer to both these coins, it should be best for us (both) if we stopped hurting the primary buyer, and by extension our own investments.
Neither solution is perfect, both will have a long way to go until they solve their problems, so let's wait and see what they do tech-wise in say 2-3 months.