Address the issues I brought up. The "Guild" is an embarrassing low tech insider trading scheme against the law in most jurisdictions. You can not "back" crypto with metal, since you can't make me whole if you can't give me metal. You and IMZ are spinning your wheels on something silly and insisting it be front and center on the page.
I propose all references to it be banished from that page, and I know for fact many others agree. Do what you want, but insider trading is not part of the UNO branding.
You're making asumptions, nobody insisted (or even requested) anything. I put up information on the (then still called Un-Ex) Guild on my own, because I thought it was an interesting aspect to this community. Note I have never participated in Un-Ex, I just saw many core and long term members of this community start using it and thought it would make a good addition. I was/am actually a bit concerned about the placement on being a bit too prominent for an "un-official" piece of content, but decided to keep it close to the exchange section, as it fits well there thematically.
If there are any concerns about that and/or the placement on the website in the community, please by all means lets discuss this (or send me a PM). So far not a single soul has mentioned something to me about this. Since you are obviously educated on the legalities regarding these matters, care to elaborate your concerns for a hobbyist with little trading/financial background?
I propose, quite vigorously, that it be removed, no blame upon you sir.
As to the illegality in proper markets of insider trading and exclusive "cliques" permitted to trade "off Floor" in a club atmosphere, where only certain "types" of people are permitted to benefit from the secret prices, I give you this exchange:
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« Sent to: Gekko463 on: March 24, 2015, 12:49:16 PM »
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Quote from: IanRidgwell on March 24, 2015, 04:16:56 AM
It is outright fraud.
Community Announcement:
I have learned this week that participation in "UN-Ex" and it's "Trusted Trader" program relies not on your integrity, nor does it rely upon your financial solvency.
It simply relies on whether IMZ likes you or not.
And that is more than a flaw.
It is outright fraud.
Details? PM me for copies of IMZ's communications with me.
You were bounced because you were not a fit, it was not IMZ's call.
As a community we chose not to take your money, not to include you in the process because fears you were or might become a fraud or a chaotic rogue element. We are protecting our reputations and the reputation of our community by rejecting you before you were in a position to damage it.
Your personality is chaotic, your behaviour unprofessional and your calling us out as "fraud" is validation of this. healthy communities require community involvement and solidarity not individual mavericks. There are plenty of communities that endorse and embrace that kind of behaviour, I try not to be part of them. We are real people, investing our lives and finances into a serious project. Should Un-Ex move to that kind of environment I would move on, as I expect would many. The personalities within the community are large and vocal but they share respect even over disagreements.
My reason was your vitriol, justified or not there is a way to communicate amongst peers that is mutually respectful, despite opposing ideologies and viewpoints.
At the end of the day it is our community and we have a right to manage and maintain it at our discretion.
And how was I not "fit"? I executed and had to wait 24 hours for IMZ to deliver. Nice system.
So you simply don't like me. You are running a private club. You are not developing some sort of paradigm shattering trust system to facilitate trading.
You are just forming a private cartel to collude and manipulate prices (Coretanium).
You are raising funding and forming an organization to engage in "insider trading".
I showed you successful examples of exactly what you are trying to do (/r/Dogemarket)
Here is my reputation for over a year there:
I suggested that Uno itself could be an excellent escrow vehicle to manage trade insurance between members here. This really pissed off IMZ, Because it is not convoluted enough.
Listen, I give no shits. I do think that I will stick to trading on the exchange, where I Know nobody, nobody knows me, I am only as good as my money and I have never been robbed.
I see no real advantages to your whole project. The deals on display here are generally higher than market prices, and this whole thing is you and IMZ trying to get some access and control over other people's coin.
Like me. Dislike me. Whatever. But I will not have you two maniacs anywhere near my coin. If you are doing what I charge, eventually when regulation comes to these markets, there's a joint cell reserved in the market manipulation wing of crypto prison for you and IMZ.
Insider trading is against the Law in every juristiction with mature markets on earth. Which is, despite being in Crypto land, where we trade.
"Un-Ex" is a cartel, designed to interfere with free market price discovery, including "liked" traders, excluding "disliked" traders. It has nothing to do with solvency, execution or any other business considerations.
Un-ex exists for those who kiss IMZ and Ian Ridgewells asses.
I executed my one trade there immediately. IMZ took 24 hours, leaving me sleepless in Saigon.
Then he tossed me because he doesn't like me.
Get "Un-Ex" the insider cartel off the OP to this thread, the official website, and any future publicity.
It is dirty, corrupt, and untoward. Let them do that scummy shit in private. But do not promote it. Clean up this coin.
(Ever wonder why me and a few other people sign off "FM"? It means "Fuck Mark" because he's weird and verbos about his weirdness.)
Why is this thread being moderated? What are so many posts being deleted. There is a lot of bullshit happening here that needs to stop. Where's the transparency? Do you really think people are that stupid? The actions of a few are going to hurt many. Btw even I have posts that have deleted, why?