Opposition here.
Hardline. Conservative. NEVER FORK THE CHAIN attitude at Camp Uno is one of the critical elements that gives Uno value.
Superior to that is perhaps age.
Uno is top 33 RANK among still existent chains by age.
By capital UNO ranks very high, after BTC and LTC comes UNO by my calculations. NMC is older and was more capitalized by leaps but over the years UNO has squared capital with NMC and PPC. Lets not destroy that creditability by willy nilly forking the chain just because things got a little shaky on the blocks/24hr metric.
It's not a bug it is a feature. In truth it's the code demonstrating battle tested truths. Pump 15000PHS of voltage into Uno and then yank it down to 1PHS. How do you think BTC could handle that? Uno looks to have survived the throttle up then throttle down. See the chain. Achievement unlocked.
Yeah some do have strong feels about this
There are other sha256 pools mining DGB and PPC, both of these look viable over the horizon. Thus, these provide second tier revenue to pools that seem to be and remain Uno friendly. But this still leaves just a very few pool nodes, take note, the actual blockchain nodes that matter. So indeed this node issue is valid.
It would be nice to see the last90days of BTC BCH BSV XEC and UNO side by side.
Hats of to Devs. But IMO the fact that Uno is at times unobtainable is kinda cool. Especially once real world sha256 mining is grasped, giant bolts of lighting that appear and disappear in a flash. Uno is not crafted to pay to the piper million$/24hr/H/s. Uno is built the ride the bull not feed it. Yes there are dedicated pools and hardcore miners with depreciated ANTS. Yet in reality sha256 pools will be by the microsecond AI cost/yield driven predication machines. The Peta-hash has moved off, but can return in an instant for weeks or mere minutes. It will always oscillate. And left unaddressed UNO-chain will be at the mercy of +15000x volatility.
dems Holy Cows. DO NOT TOUCH.
I have some suggestions ...
Uno was POW then moved to AUX sha256. Don't subtract this add onto this.
There are other POW AUX options.
And working code.
See XMY and ARG for Scrypty POW AUX that also does AUX sha256.
See UIS for gpu AUX (Neoscrypt, x11)
Next see XMY again, DGB and then XVG, GLT, Aurora, ARG, and more.
They feature working code for multi-algo mining.
For ASIC algos with established revenue/rewards see
- MonacoinXVG(Lyra2v2?)
- grs/quark/qubit/skien flavor
- x11
What I am suggesting is adding more AUX options and more ASIC flavors.
This profile would be very similar to XMY + UIS.
Now if the Devs want to do something unique add POS.
I don't know of any AUX + POS, other than Emer?
more asic AUX sha+scry+x11
gpu AUX neoscrypt
--if you want more--
+new asic POW algos (multi-algo but not yet Aux)
+new gpu POW algos (multi-algo but not yet Aux)
+proof of stake
code philosophy:
AUX rails : vetted POW algos with clear over the horizon future and established past, once part of the code always part of the code, pulling AUX after release is bad politics.
new gpu and alt-asic rails : beta trail for AUX, don't know if you need to pull if any flavor becomes deadwood, DGB has changed up the algo rooster, so it is possible, also plenty of projects leading in the multialgo arena to guide Uno.
code repo : XMY ARG UIS NMC UNO DGB PPC primaries
node philosophy:
1. asic/gpu AUX bring $$$ pool operations to provide critical real time block consensus. think api.
2. alt pow algos bring and retain amateur and grass root network support pools and elevate participants over time.
3. more exchanges bring more chain support.
4. block explorers chain data centers likely funded and hosted by pools post-2025.
5. proof of stake nodes, hive or cloud support that has growth rather than the retraction seen in POW pools, also staking recruits new full node participants and builds community.
list of AUX mining with other chains https://justpaste.it/2ao1d