I bought some on bittrex, opened my handy uno wallet, v0.9.5.0
created a new address , then sent my uno so my address all 7.8ish of them... bittrex gave me txid and i waiting , watching wallet.... and nothing.... did I just loose my uno stash?!!
TxId: dea85e0b0629ed82a6881e4a68f43feaddb1e411074fd67e203eeb951ae0615b
wallet ue9dWMFcmsHt6oXmXtzuKqTNK7HoBW1P8M
please help, Bryce or who ever. Thanks.
Check to see on Bittrex if the withdrawal was authorised or not. Also double check the wallet address. If the address is wrong and it's been authorised then you have lost your UNO.