Just my noob thoughts!...0.00312...0.00625....0.1250...0.2500....
I have not seen any public comments from blazr2 or Mr. Weiner about the merge mining. FK, have you heard anything?
@Bitcoincharlie, I posted earlier (way back there somewhere) that Bryce emailed me saying he thought the idea of AuthPow/Btc has merit. He had already given it some thought. He has experience doing this with his Blake256 coin Dirac.
He would like to hear what Blazr2 is thinking before proceeding.
Meanwhile, I'm extremely pleased and excited to see all of the constructive talk here. This has turned into a wonderful educational opportunity for all of us.
If you don't agree with me, I'm totally fine with that. We can continue the discussion, and vet the idea. Maybe a better way will surface.
If you guys want to move ahead with contacting other devs to merge mine against Uno, go for it. I won't take the lead on it as I've already walked down that road without success, but neither will try to stop you. Maybe you'll fare better than I did. I'll try to help by leaving my previously mentioned bounty on the table. I just have come to believe that AuthPow/Btc is the best option I've seen so far, but my mind is still open.
But I have to say, your interest and concern blow me away. You have taken ownership of Uno! It's YOUR coin. That's so cool. The worst thing that could have happened is to have this dicusion, but nobody cares. I knew that wouldn't happen, though. I'm also very pleased the tone of the the discussion; the Uno community knows how to disagree without being, well, you know.
Btw, mazacoin was mentioned: I had not reached out to them.
My guess is that (whatever coin community you reach out to) you'll probably be met with a little bit of indignation and the suggestion that Uno should MM with them.