@FN ... do some kind of bearer bond certificate on your Uno@Mint ... Knife if I had that much Un stolen I'd bitch and moan ... often ... if you ever feel the need to vent ... feel free
Thanks, I'm through the mourning process already. It comes & goes. I just hate to see any Uno irrevtrievably lost from the market (especially my own). I consider them Rai stones, and I know I still own them.
Let me come completely clean, though...
Although I personally sent 401 Uno into that wallet, just 235 were owned by me at the time MP failed (I have screen shots of all that stuff...)
Does that make sense? I sent in 401, I sold 166, and so 235 are still owned by me, even though MP didn't move them from the deposit address.
Other people still own 166 of the Uno in that wallet, but didn't get them out. I did, however, manage to get my Bitcoin out.
I presume I still legally own those 235 Uno, even if I can't access them. I was thinking it might be fun to convert them into a UNO backed NXT asset that I would guarantee, and give them away to those of you who do good things for Uno as brownie points.
Can anyone make a substantiated claim to the 166 Uno that I just disclaimed?
Does anyone know of any other MP coins stranded on the Uno blockchain? Maybe we can gather them up, and issue a NXT asset based off them. No, it's not as good as Uno that you can move, but still, this approach did work well for the Yapp Islanders for hundreds of years.