a few short thoughts from me regarding anonymity:
if soopy wants to remain anonymous we should not pressure him to do otherwise. I myself also value my anonymity very much because it protects me.
I am sure as time passes we will find one or more marketingpersons who are willing to show their faces. That also needs to be the right persons. Bryce would be really good for that. If Bryce was willing to lend his name to uno and help it to thrive others could join in showing their face as time passes. Those of us who want to remain anonymous for now (including but not limited to soopy) should have the right to do so.
As regulations and laws surrounding crypto become more clear and less of a unknown hazard i am sure more and more people are willing to let their anonymity go. If a person lives in a state that is hostile towards crypto for example that person has a very good reason to remain anonymous to be able to continue to work in the area.
I agree with soopy on the point that it is about the work and the actions people show - identities are really of secondary order.
Of course it is nice to know who exactly is behind a project but it is not a thing of the first order.
I am sure as time goes by and regulations become more clear more people will come forward with their identities.
Right now i support the idea of getting Bryce on board very much. I think he is a good guy and would be great support for us when it comes to making uno more widely known.
let's be real about it: in this forum 99% of the members are anon. Not being anon is a risk for becoming a target. Everybody has to carefully decide for themselves if and when they want to take that risk for themselves.
This is still the very early days of crypto.
regarding open bazaar: i will look into that.
regarding price: just stop selling at low prices. My uno is not that cheap
- i am sure though as soon as the technical issues are fixed we go flying to Pluto and beyond. Use the opportunity to fill your baskets because as soon the fork lies behind us you will wish you would have bought more at these low prices.
also: let's never stop working on new services and other goodies. We are actually creating value right now. Let's keep that up for the long term. Uno can be and should be up 1000% in the future. 1Uno = 1Ltc is the least that should be expected. Let's make it happen. Keep the goodies coming. This is a great coin and very likely will soon be one of the big boys in cryptotown.