Once Trump has this Republican primary locked in you'll see his true liberal self come out.
He'll talk about how he voted for Obama, how he supported Clinton, how he wants universal health care. He'll be the shining star that the Democrats have been looking for.
The establishment orthodoxy on all fronts (center, left, and right) have painted themselves into a corner. Most of the things that 'their' people 'know' about Trump (violent racist bigot, hates free speech, wants to fuck his own daughter, etc) have been fabricated and implanted with no real basis in reality. So far it works because the 'high info' people achieve their understanding by being programmed rather than looking for themselves.
The trouble with fabricated 'knowledge' which happens to be invalid is that it is difficult to sustain over long time periods. Especially when there is pressure from a challenger which cannot be suppressed. It's why the most dishonest attack ads occur very near voting night. I predict that no matter how Trump plays things (or is) policy wise, those who hate him for reasons which are fabricated will progressively turn their hate and dis-trust toward their media programmers and the candidate who is being animated by said media.
Again, my prediction is that at the end of the day this person with the Dem stamp will be Joe Biden and not Hillary Clinton if they have to go up against Trump. Not very clear who, or even what, it will be on the third-party-split-the-vote-and-install-an-establishment-puppet side. If it is Jeb Bush we'll have a 'crime family vs. crime family' choice again. A follow up to the 'skull-n-bones vs. skull-n-bones' choice we had in Bush vs. Kerry.
Can a 3rd party candidate start up at this late point in the game? So many states have rules about things like that.
It is totally amazing that a rigged system pushed Jeb Bush vs. (the strawman) Marco Rubio AND Hit Clinton vs (the strawman) Saunders and the people totally ignored the dynamic.
On the R side, only the rebels got the votes, and on the D side, the support for the strawman was certainly unexpected. I hope the R crowd unifies behind Bad Hair Dude and buckles down to fight the incompetent choice of the democrats. It is quite interesting that although the invective against Trump is rising, the bad points of Hillary are simply not even contested. Of course their scheme is to pull in prettyboy Castro for VP to divert attention away from Hillary's senility or whatever her mental problems are.
Of course, "believers" in Sanders are naive fools. They have fallen for one of the oldest pitches. "I'm a nice guy, and I'll give you free stuff."
It's worth noting in conclusion that a fair number of Democratic talking points are "let's ignore some of those laws we don't like because well, we don't like them." To inculcate an attitude like that it helps if the primary candidate herself is an acknowledged corrupt liar. The voter's opinions and expectations go down, he thinks they are all corrupt and liars, so why should he not vote for the liar who promises free stuff? And the game of socialism is of course to create and give out free stuff, but only to the chosen and privileged few, not the masses. The masses are to be impoverished, because beggars are easier and cheaper to please.
And the saudis would like to buy cheap votes, wouldn't they?