What I'm suggesting also, is that the howls about Trump becoming another Mussolini are just pearl-clutching hysterics (or cynical smear-mongering.) By my lights, the biggest "risk" with Donald Trump is that he'll let his ego get the better of him, decide to "grow in office" and proclaim, "Everyone in Washington D.C. loves me!"
He doing so would just make him a so-called RINO while in office. That's not much of a danger to the United States, in my opinion.
Most of the business-style plans that Trump has suggested are fairly simple to implement.
Many do not even require new laws. They just require using existing law as written.
So this is quite different than massive government schemes, such as those of Saunders. Those would never make it through a Republican Congress and Senate.
Cause Trump suggested things? He has a political program somewhere? Damn the little kiddo! Why didn't he show it then?
Some people are too lazy to click on the TRUMP website to learn by themselves. They ask, ask, ask, then complain about it, then ask for more, just like some beggar countries...
You mean his "program" is the list of 6 positions on his website?
His whole program as a POTUS is a 6 pages document talking mainly about immigration and taxes? Whaou you scared me I thought he had a real program ^^
TRUMP is love. Love of America. Nothing scary about that. At least you visited his website and took all the time in the world to learn more about him.
For this I thank you.
Yeah and as usual you don't answer to any question.
I like how when we point out the incoherence in your arguments you just ignore them...
Do you believe TRUMP supporters are ignorant and stupid?
I believe most of them are. But it doesn't mean anything as I believe most people are stupid and ignorant. Not sure Trump supporters are more ignorant and stupid than the rest of the population. Why?
ALL of them reject the lies they've been fed to. TRUMP is far from perfect, but a bought politician he is not. This movement is not about TRUMP, but what he can stop. If you are a pure republican and you support the establishment then TRUMP is a mortal danger.
Up like TRUMP is about the awakening of We The People. The same phenomenon is happening with the bern victims, but it is We The "Feed Me" People. It not so much they are in love with bernie, they realized something really disturbing happened to their party.
The uni-party is a sad reality. Every time the Tea Party believed in someone, as in rubio for example, they voted for a back stabber.
Are those people stupid and ignorant? You believe so. I don't.