Mr. Wall Street Throws in The Towel – Rupert Murdoch Exits U.S. Presidential Race…Cautious optimism is warranted. For those who are fully immersed in the weeds of the U.S. Presidential race there is new found optimism in seeing at least one of the key globalist influencers announce he’s throwing in the towel (outlined below).
A secondary smile can now cross the faces of those who hold a comprehensive understanding of how damaging the TPP trade deal would be to the U.S. worker.
Both optimistic outlooks present themselves today as we take –at face value– the retreat of Rupert Murdoch from attempting any further influence in the U.S. presidential race.
Those who have followed closely since the GOPe constructs in late 2013 will understand the profound significance for Mr. Wall Street, Rupert Murdoch, admitting the nomination prospects of candidate Donald Trump now seem inevitable.
Remember what we previously predicted would happen if/when the “inevitability threshold” was reached?
We might just be “there”.
Murdoch tweets after every debate. Murdoch ALWAYS tweets after every one of his Fox News debates. Today’s post debate messaging carries some increased attention against the backdrop of a previous report where Fox, via Roger Ailes, threw in the towel of support for Rubio; accepting non-viability and accepting, finally the lift was just too much.
However, before getting to Rupert, everyone should accept what exactly Fox is doing with Rubio now. In essence, Fox has accepted their goals are no longer in alignment with the GOPe DC goals as they pertain to Marco Rubio.
Fox News always promoted Rubio as a viable candidate. The GOPe DC community supported that endeavor because the promotion always benefited their real goal, which was never Rubio as the “ends“, but rather Rubio as the “means” to the end.
DC GOPe was then, and is now, using Rubio’s candidacy toward their objective of anointment for a palatable and pedigreed Republican. Originally Rubio was to be the tool to get Jeb Bush nominated. Now, under the modified GOPe objectives, Rubio is the tool to stop Donald Trump from getting nominated.
In his former role he was a high-minded professional politician thought to be the lift and vote splitter to get Jeb Florida’s 99 electoral votes. In his new role, they don’t care about the image of Rubio, they only want him to get close enough to Trump so he can detonate his vulgar suicide vest and damage the frontrunner’s optics and electability.
An open Ohio GOP convention is now the goal, as openly admitted by Mitt Romney. As a consequence John Kasich, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio’s media optics must be enhanced, but not toward the nomination per se’, only as useful blockers of Donald Trump. The GOPe goal is to isolate, ridicule and marginalize Trump, damaging him enough to eliminate his electability. Hence, the “Never Trump” campaign etc.
So began the first signals from Roger Ailes (story here), and now Rupert Murdoch, of a disparate interest in a specific candidate’s brand, namely Marco Rubio. The GOPe and Fox News no longer in synergy.
Fox et al can no longer advocate for Rubio, while he has to make a jackass out of himself in his suicide mission. Fox’s own brand image could be harmed as collateral damage amid the detonation.
Having said all of that, Murdoch now is in a position of accepting the GOPe political goal (to save their own graft in DC) is a desperate one-way mission to either survive or destroy itself trying.
And so the first message from Murdoch is interpreted:
Murdoch saying what is statistically valid and evidenced within the current primary results of Donald Trump. Sure the GOPe talking heads and professional punditry which surround the Vichy Republican brand may not vote, but that elitist segment is far smaller than the vulgarian masses who recognize the value in a blue-collar billionaire.
Trump’s appeal to a very significant base of middle-class Americans, Reagan Democrats, Blue-Dogs, rank and file union members, as well as “common sense” conservatives, will mean a much larger group of Democrats will cross over to support him, than the elitist coalition who will stay home in protest.
Which leads directly into Murdoch’s second point:
Remember, they don’t call Rupert Murdoch “Mr. Wall Street” because he is inaccurate in predicting markets. Exactly the opposite. He’s called Mr. Wall Street because he has tentacles intertwined in global finance and knows exactly when to make a move.
He’s a statistician. A global finance and media statistician who uses massive amount of insider data to make business decisions.
What Murdoch is highlighting here is exactly what we, through Nick H, have previously presented. Old political electoral models which are based on left/right politics don’t work when the person campaigning is represented by the ” / “ part.
Donald Trump is running up the populist “America-First” center of the political continuum. That’s why he’s drawing in massive interest, massive crowds, massive debate audiences, and gobsmackingly YUGE primary turnout results.Trump has center-left, and center-right “fiscal conservative”/”social moderates” as his base of support.
Murdoch tells Nate Silver to reset his paradigm to reflect this reality. It means building entirely new statistical models. [*SITE NOTE* Nick H is working on updated stats right now to reflect the turnout of Super Tuesday. Remember, Nick accurately predicted 1.3 million GOP voters in Georgia using his formulas.]
So where does all of this leave Mr. Murdoch?
G’day and Good bye.!Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives, more vulgarians.