Versus Jeb's $130 million in toilet paper
Trump is spending his own money - but I think he is doing this to protect his investments. He played the game for a very long time as a successful businessman, which is you must give money to both sides to protect your investment because, let's face it, politicians and governments today are mobsters seeking protection money (taxes, fees, fines, jail). Especially in US property development which involves everyone from the US Army Corp of Engineers to the EPA to the State Governur's office to the Mayor to the local municipality to your NIMBY ass neighbor who wants to extort you. As a property developer this is one of your greatest risks.
I think Trump did the math and realized, 'hey, what the fuck. I can pay protection forever or if I just do a NPV calc....that number isn't so bad. I should become president AND clean up the mess these asshole politicians have made of the world because I am richer and more experienced than all of them combined.'
Trump has a real estate and hospitality empire that needs a functioning society to benefit him and his shareholders. The world goes mad max and he is left with fuck all.
Beyond the basic math involved in his decision to run for president, I do think he cares about the world. Fucking people in Russia love Trump already!
Jeb blew through $130 million of OPM (must be in his DNA) and Trump has spent what, maybe $30 million including LOANING HIS OWN CAMPAIGN $17 million!
Finally, here's the strange part. Some people give Trump shit for having some of his companies go BK. You know what, Big Fucking Deal. It happens. Especially in property. Fall down, pick yourself up and try again. Sitting around and crying in your cereal does fuck all to help you. Now look, his private airforce is bigger than ever. Brilliant. That's a man. Meanwhile Nuland and Carter and Kerry run around Gulf Stream Vs that were paid for by US Tax payers and Obama has added fuzzy dice and a water bed to AF1.
Plus, bonus: if ZH is right and the US economy implodes, Trump is the one candidate uniquely suited and EXPERIENCED to navigate a financial shit storm.