The GOP frontrunner said it was important to audit the Fed and even called out his rival, Sen. Ted Cruz, for skipping a vote on Sen. Rand Paul’s “Audit the Fed” proposal back in Jan.....
Someone just put a carrot in front of the Ron/Rand Paul supporters.
I'll give him one thing, he's smart. He can play the game quite well.
He is a rebel billionaire.
He has funded investigations in Obama's birth certificate. This was a very unpopular thing to do then. This was years ago.
His bank is 'Bank of China', not 'Bank of America' or any American bank.
He said there were no WMD in Iraq and mentioned the secret 28 pages that were removed and classified from the 9/11 report and that he would expose them if elected, analyst say those 28 pages directly link the Saudi government with the hijackers and that Bush protected the Saudi government.
He was against the war in Iraq and said it would destabilize the middle east.
He has poked many billionaires and lobbyists in this race, even go as far to threaten them to expose them, even yesterday, he called out the Rickets family, who own the Chicago Cubs.
Basically, he is Bernie Sanders but a rich Bernie Sanders and not a socialist and who don't have to say 'Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton'.
If you look into it, he has rocked the status quo and if not elected, he has the most to loose because he has upset many billionaires and rich people in the process and even politicians.
Why do you believe someone who was led by nothing but greed his whole life could take care of you and your country?
Maybe just ask him. He talks about it
"I'm greedy so I wanna be greedy for you"?
That's not how it works xD
What in life do you do that isn't driven by greed to some degree?