My own personal best hope is that there are what I consider to the 'good people' with some grips on some powers who will use their possition to avoid starting a war or getting dragged into it. One of the most effective ways of doing this would be to reach out to like thinking persons in the other camp and maintain a dialog. The reason I personally have a lot of hope for Flynn and various others is that it seems he may being doing this.
Of course I keep in mind that with the information available to me I have no real way to 'know' that Flynn, Trump, Jones, Piezcenik, etc really of the same mindset and are not actors or frauds or whatever. All I can do is to try to pull in as much info as possible from all sides and do my best to analyze it. After doing this for a while I will say that I remain hopeful.
The vid you pointed to is pretty clownish and lame. Seems to be trying to leverage the hastily and desperately assembled neo-McCarthyism which doesn't seem to be taking hold even among most of the true mouth-breathers. A little bit here and there, but most people do seem to see it as a pathetic joke.
OK, when a military general is
a defector a puppet, just like his employer is, to a regime whose state media's ready to turn US "into radioactive ashes" and many more. Already celebrating Trump's victory. This is not lame, nor a pathetic joke neither. It's depths of wisdom, according to you. Aha. Sure as rain. Doing your best to analyze things.
Trump might not be the most pure, most honorable guy. But he certainly is no corrupt politician out there to take over the world. So, why should he be allowed to win? I mean, let's keep the corruption where we can keep an eye on it... in government.
No corrupt politician that is siding with not a corrupt political system's politicians (Panama offshore etc.)
"Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are"
And a cherry on top for those of you who are not lame, not pathetic, doing-their-best analytics and overall wise guys (all similarities are coincidental):
A little embarassing, aye?
Not at all embarrassing guy. In fact at the roast Trump explained succinctly his relationships with gov. and business leaders. I think Hillary prefers if her supporters wear blinders to this fact that Trump has explained his platform and his previous relationships perfectly. In fact I would Hillary to explain her retreats to the coven she holds so dear each year. Or her other questionable associations she has with her campaign manager for example.
And making fun of people who attempt to analyze data is not the same as making fun of their conclusions. So you fail again in this regard. Good luck next time. Thanks for playing
Trump is the whistle blower candidate that we have not seen since Kennedy. And your pathetic attempts to convince us that he is corrupt is duly noted in the record that is btc talk forum.