Could have been seizures too.
After watching the first time I never noticed, with this video, the signals are obvious.
She is known charlatan, scammer, thief, liar, even more so now.
It's good she has been caught again.
Nice work, people!
Also this one: "This video proves Hillary signals Lester Holt,triggering the next question" very well done
I'm so pissed at the corrupt DNC (thank you Wikileaks) & now this rigged debate, I just might vote for Trump!
BTW Julian Assange's bombshell Tuesday balcony Announcement at the Ecuadorian Embassy has been canceled for security reasons.
Can't WAIT to see what they found in 10,000 recently leaked Hillary emails. He will find a way to release it effectively. Only problem is that the MSM won't touch it.
Not many trust the MSM any more we have heard enough lies over the years to know they continue to lie, all the western media are of the same parentage, illegitimate It's very transparent to the majority of us that they lie.
They continue to lose the viewers/readers on a daily basis due to the outright lies.
folks in USA are cancelling their newspaper subscriptions faster than ever before
refusing to watch the sports games on TV.
we just had record numbers watch the first political debate.
Assange & co. created a media empire while Hillary vows revenge (bolshevik-style) on her critics in the alt media and around the world.
Obama hands ICANN over, without congressional approval as required by law (and your IP), making it now possible for Hillary to smash her critics.
After just 1 speech a focus group of never trumpers had only 1 person still voting for Hillary.
Many of the never Trumpers were upset the media kept knowledge of Mr. Trump a secret from them all this time!
The media took the risk of loosing their job becaue they quit doing it and now new media is spawning.
Look at the you tube channels that cannot hire enough new reporters to keep up with demand for Trump.
And the established career government politicians risked the ire of the people by refusing to do their job.
The alt media is now scared for their life and so they will fight harder to preserve it.
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