In the wake of a hot WW-III (much more likely under a globalist minion like Hillary), Russia does not have the boots to defend against a physical Chinese takeover. In such a
Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons. Why would they need boots?
My text specified that I believe the suggestion that a nuclear war would necessarily end human life on earth to be false. It would be a high mortality event, of course, but I believe that there would be plenty of survivors, and that especially the case if the nuclear attacks (and defenses) were reasonably well choreographed. If one reads the information from back in the early cold-war days when U.S. civilians were provided with survival tips, one notices that lethal radiation levels drop off fairly quickly (short half-life isotopes are the ones which get you) so if one can stay 'underground' for a while, one has some chance of survival.
I'm war-gaming what could happen after such an event. And again, while a nuclear war causes 'some problems' understate things also produces some solutions to others. Different people gauge different problems differently, and one fixation of 'the elite' seems to be their feeling that there are to many of us walking the earth.
Again, I see the main thing joining Trump and Putin is a shared idea that a nuclear war would suck and is to be avoided. If Clinton had a safe bunker and a reasonable expectation that she and a few people that she actually cares about would come out on top at the other end of the tunnel, I would not be surprised to see her push the button. Especially if she has a minimal amount of time to live anyway.