Another in my 'if I were Trump' series:
When asked about Clinton's 9/11 memorial 'medical episode', I would
- make a point of feeling badly for a person in that situation, and how hard it was to watch her trying to soldier on in the midst of minutes long coughing fits.
- state that it seems 'irresponsible' for her team not to take her to the hospital since she was clearly quite ill and seems to have been for some months.
- state that it seems kind of 'deplorable' for Clinton's political team to risk her life by not getting her the care she needs just to score some political points.
Trump could also specify some of the American values (western values) that he hopes to continue and restore while drawing a contrast to statements made by Hillary ex: destroying alt media. Opposing viewpoints are to be more cherished and respected that one's we agree with because that is where healthy debate comes from.
With his recent experiences in the 'justice' system and all the slack he got trying to build things over the years in this over-regulated nightmare called the free world he is the perfect candidate to help preserve the right to confront you accuser in court on the records and jury of your peers, etc. I trust him to pick good justices. Let talk about what justices do and why it is important. Every civilization in recorded history has clung to international law once they are able. This is because they all want the benefits and protections it provides. Only willful blindness is to be feared. And the biggest violators of international law in the last 200 years on this planet are the UK and now the USA. So he could speak to the true values of international and how that is the best plan for peaceful and prosperous future for every man and woman on this planet. I am happy to provide sound bites.
Killing or attacking our enemies or those that do not agree with us is the hallmark of the despot regime. Hillary has already telecast her style as a leader of this type.
Her health is tragic but it could be a trap. Don't pick on the sick old lady running for president. That never wins in court and it will not win in the court of public opinion. What if she starts to cry on tv? Then what will you do? It is better to say a few brief words on it then move on to substance in the most mannered way possible with extreme care. It is not about her health or that she is a woman or the weather. It is about her qualifications as leader of the free world and she is not qualified for trash duty. Do not focus on her health let the voters do that on their own. And after the western world falls apart under Obama (now in progress) we will need a manager to come in and manage us up out of crisis which is what all nations need when they devolve to the extent USA has devolved. All recorded history supports this and it is Trumps platform largely.
We do not need some bright white flash then a fake news story telling us that ISIS has struck Turkey or somewhere else with a nuke. We need good leadership and good deals both sides can be proud off. Little by little the economic work Trump is proposing will win us the respected seat at the table. And we need to take care of our long neglected domestic issues in order to be a good example for the rest of the world.