That is true. (((They))) outplayed at least 99% of the goyim on both sides, and their fairly awe-inspiring game-play continues to this day. When they chuckle about what stupid beasts of burden we goy are I really cannot disagree. I still don't believe that God created goyim to 'serve the Jews' though.
I guess I should say that I hoped and thought there was a chance that Trump could/would play '5D' chess. ....
Okay, it's 5D chess!@!!!!
Nope. Looks like the '4D' chess that I half expected, but Trump himself is probably not much of a player. Most likely he is but a pawn although there is a possibility that he is some flavor of Kabbalist and has a bit more power than the typical political puppet. (If he's of the Frankist stripe it could explains why he has wood for his daughter for instance.) Hard to know at this time. One way or another he is an enemy of pretty much all that is good about the United States of America...or at the very least is doing a damn good job of pretending.