1. btc 2018 is not the same rules as bitcoin 2016.. neither is bitcoin cash. hens 2 different directions from the 2016 version. hense why gmax called it a bilateral split. again for emphasis. gmax named it such. not me. again lets get it right. the word bilateral split begun by gmax's utility of the word. it is not a word i invented or started using. the reason i laugh so much is that you want to deny it occuring yet it was the devs that caused it, named it, mandated it.. not me. i simply informed people of the devs actions. if you have an issue of the use of bilateral splits then take that up with those you follow.
Franky1 is a consistent shill and over the top liar who abusively exploits many people's lack of experience with technical matters to make claims which are flat on their face untrue.
If you take the very first release of Bitcoin by Satoshi and fix the BDB database problem with blocks >500KB then it will (very slowly) sync and accept the current Bitcoin blockchain. It will reject all those fraudulent fake bitcoin chains, such as "bitcoin cash". It's been a couple years since I conducted the experiment, but I'm aware of no reason why it would be different now-- it's possible there there were other bugs in the original code which have since been triggered. It's so slow, however, that it's really a pain to test.
If you take Bitcoin 0.8.0 released in Feb 2013 as is with no fixes at all, it will (very slowly) sync and accept the whole current Bitcoin chain. There are existant 0.8.x nodes running that are happily in sync with the current network so there isn't any ambiguity there.
The word "bilateral" there refers to _hardforks_ that won't just allow themselves to be reorged out if they're a loser in terms of hashrate. Many of the early insane blocksize cranking hardforks didn't have that property. If the original Bitcoin had or subsequently ever achieved more hashes then the hardfork would simply be erased, potentially unconfirming days/weeks/months of transactions. It comes from
this post. The word "bilateral" there means two directions: The chain forks off in an different direction *AND* cannot go back. Bitcoin rejects Bcash blocks (because, among other reasons, the first bcash block warped down the difficulty for their forktime 'instamine') which is what makes it a hardfork, and Bcash rejects Bitcoin blocks (because they didn't contain the instamine) which makes the hardfork bilateral.
Franky1 somehow takes that and fraudulently claims that Bitcoin was somehow changed to accomplish this, but it wasn't: Bitcoin was written from day one to reject bcash blocks. Suddenly changing the block difficulty is a violation of Bitcoin's consensus rules and always has been.
Anyone who tells you Bitcoin's consensus rules were changed in incompatible ways is misleading you, if they claim they were changed in incompatible ways since 2013 they are trying to tell you an over the top absurd lie... probably with the intention of defrauding you into buying some shitty altcoin they are shilling.
Fixing a bug that made blocks getting randomly rejected in a way that prevents consensus even with copies of itself could be argued to be a consensus change by the overly pedantic (like Luke-Jr)-- but even if you accept that pedantic definition there has still been no incompatible consensus change made since 2013... and changing the system to not spontaneously burst into flames is not remotely similar to the kinds of changes altcoins like bcash have made (e.g. significantly abandoning POW consensus, handing a massive windfall to early miners, etc.).
Franky1's consistent lying is part of why he's banned from the technical subforum. I don't know why the rest of the community on BCT tolerates him shitting all over so many discussions.