
Topic: [Updated 04 Desember 2021] Bitcointalk Merit Dashboard Indonesia - page 7. (Read 7922 times)

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 22 Mei 2010

Update 22/05/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (11/05/2020 .. 17/05/2020) is 5.921 which is up 10,08% from the previous week.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2296
Merit: 2892
NB: jika ada yang mau mentranslate bot kedalam bahasa indonesia silahkan terjemahkan lalu PM TryNinja.
Bukankah untuk men-translate bot yang nantinya di PM, link strings file original nya yang ini ? kalau link yang di atas itu hanya link website arsip post BitcoinTalk untuk memudahkan pencarian post dengan menggunakan filter. -koreksi jika saya keliru- .

- Since I'm already scraping and saving posts, I'm also providing a website that lets you easily search for posts with filters (author, text, in X topic and date range) -snip-
Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Kalau ada mau pakai bot telegram dari @TryNinja? lebih komplit loh, tidak hanya notif merit received, tapi juga ada nama yang kasih merit dan topik/post yang dimeritin. [TELEGRAM] Yet Another BitcoinTalk Notification BOT (merits, mentions, topics,+).

- Merit notification

Ikuti saja perintah dari Bot telegram di bawah ini


terlebih dahulu Persiapkan
- Username

Tidak hanya itu, bot telegram juga berfungsi jika ada yang mention dan bahkan bisa tracking topik juga. agak berbeda dengan bot telegram yang sebelumnya.

- Mention/quote notification

NB: jika ada yang mau mentranslate bot kedalam bahasa indonesia silahkan terjemahkan lalu PM TryNinja.

Bukankah untuk men-translate bot yang nantinya di PM, link strings file original nya yang ini ? kalau link yang di atas itu hanya link website arsip post BitcoinTalk untuk memudahkan pencarian post dengan menggunakan filter. -koreksi jika saya keliru- .

Thanks mas Husna, saya yang keliru.
Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 15 Mei 2010

Update 15/05/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (04/05/2020 .. 10/05/2020) is 5.379 which is down 1,88% from the previous week.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2296
Merit: 2892
List member Indonesia yang support newbie - artinya suka kasih merit kepada newbie :
Members who support newbies (Sep 17, 2018 - May 8, 2020)
180)Husna QALegendary8 newbies
Sepertinya yang ini harus di cek manual juga langsung ke profile nya.... Saya masih muda om belum sepuh seperti om roycilik yang udah legend :)
Saya pribadi ndak pernah ngitung sampai sejauh itu berapa newbie yang pernah dikirimi merit.
Maaf kalau masih banyak good newbie yang masih terlewat dikirimi merit, saya berusaha sebisanya.

-snip- I don't want the forum to be unwelcoming to good newbies. -snip-
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1140
List member Indonesia yang support newbie - artinya suka kasih merit kepada newbie :

Sebenarnya gak dalam artian list member yang "suka kasih merit ke newibie", tapi list member yang berkontribusi memberi merit pada newbie dalam periode tertentu, dalam hal ini Coin-1 membaginya per bulan.

BTW, ini untuk daftar yang terbarunya, gan:

Member Indonesia yang memberikan merit ke Newbie bulan April 2020.

1.)BitinityLegendary4 newbie
2.)ETFbitcoinLegendary4 newbie
3.)KrislawSr. Member2 newbie
4.)Rengga JatiSr. Member1 newbie
5.)MaturnuwunMember1 newbie
6.)Husna QALegendary1 newbie
7.)noorman0Sr. Member1 newbie
8.)taufik123Hero Member1 newbie

> Monggo ditambahkan jika ada yang terlewatkan.


Saran : diupdate per month aja gan biar gampang ngeceknya. Kan sumbernya juga update setiap bulan.

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Fortune Jack nya kok item gitu sih, sepertinya ndak resmi Cheesy
sama signature milik Mr. Sapta seperti nya sudah beberapa minggu ganti ke blocknance
terkadang perlu di cek manual liat langsung ke profile yang bersangkutan
Updated. Sorry saya gak teliti.
Soalnya saya juga binggung, nama roycilik juga gak ada di spreadsheet FJ (spesial pintu belakang khusus artis), sedangkan Sapta juga yang kemaren warnanya sama-sama kuning, kirain lum berubah.

Thanks atas supportnya mas roy di chipmixer, kalau belum rejeki, mudah-mudahan yang keterima di sana yg signaturenya FJ biar bisa masuk tempat yang lowong.

List member Indonesia yang support newbie - artinya suka kasih merit kepada newbie (Sep 17, 2018 - May 8, 2020)
Members who support newbies Sep 17, 2018 - May 8, 2020)
User nameCurrent rank [1]Quantity of newbies who received merit
18)ETFbitcoinLegendary69 newbies
100)pandukelana2712Hero Member15 newbies
147)mu_enricoLegendary10 newbies
180)Husna QAHero8 newbies

Sumber: [TOP-200] Members who support newbies - Thanks!

Activity: 2604
Merit: 1988
1% Skill 99% Luck :v
Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 08 Mei 2020

Update 08/05/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
Link:  BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard.  

Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (27/04/2020 .. 03/05/2020) is 5.482 which is up 15,56% from the previous week.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 01 Mei 2020

Update 01/05/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (20/04/2020 .. 26/04/2020) is 4.744 which is down 8,80% from the previous week.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 24 April 2020

Update 24/04/2020:
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard
Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (13/04/2020 .. 19/04/2020) is 5.202 which is down 2,35% from the previous week.

In addition, there are 2 more Legendary and 2 more Hero members this week:

aundroid              -> Legendary from Full Member during Merit System kick-off.
DroomieChikito     -> Legendary from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off.
Corrosive             -> Hero from Old Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off.
wh1rlw1nd           -> Hero from Member during Merit System kick-off.

Aggregate awarded sMerit down 14.1% sejak tanggal 10 April 2020

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 17 April 2020

Update 17/04/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
Link:  BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard.  

Updated the Merit Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data:

Total sMerit:  646.141
Total Txs:      336.854
From Users:    21.974
To Users:        33.710
minDate:       2018-01-24 22:12:21
maxDate:      2020-04-17 02:49:29

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 10 April 2020

Update 10/04/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

In addition, there are 2 more Legendary and 2 more Hero members this week:

Baofeng           -> Legendary from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off.
mu_enrico        -> Legendary from Old Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. -> The first !!!

BITCOIN4X     -> Hero from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off.
YOSHIE         -> Hero from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off.

Copper Members and non-native ranks (staff, etc) are displayed as real (regular) ranks.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 03 April 2020

Update 03/04/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (23/03/2020 .. 29/03/2020) is 5.155 which is down 11,33% from the previous week.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
-   I’ve deleted the "Top Merited Thread Ranking" from the Rankings Tab.
-   But I’ve added it to the "Most Merited Post" Tab, which now displays most merited posts and threads (renamed tab to "Most Merited Post/Threads").


Ada perubahan, top merited thread rangking dihapus untuk digabungkan ke Most merited post

Contoh Most merited post dan thread punya saya:

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 27 Maret 2020

Update 27/03/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

Updated the Merit Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data:
Total sMerit:  629.736
Total Txs:      327.376
From Users:    21.882
To Users:        33.422
minDate:       2018-01-24 22:12:21
maxDate:      2020-03-27 02:27:20

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 20 Maret 2020

Update 20/03/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

Just for fun, I added a tab at the end called "Received Merit Race" where we can observe the merit race for any user with more than 10 earned merits. The positions do not visually order on screen though in this version.

I did additionally develop a Top 100 day-to-day Merit Race though, which does reorder positions: Merit Race Top 100


Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2366
Merit: 2054
Updated 13 Maret 2020

Update 13/03/2020:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
LinkBitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard

In addition, there is 1 more Legendary and 1 more Hero this week:
BrewMaster           -> Legendary from Hero Member during Merit System kick-off.
Lambie Slayer      -> Hero from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off.

Added Tabs on Merit/Post ratios -> See OP on this thread.

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Activity: 2170
Merit: 1789
Member lokal cukup banyak yang migrasi keluar negri, sehingga terjadi devisit pendapatan merit di Lokal board
Salah satu merit source lokal board sedang libur panjang entah kemana, tapi mungkin faktor ini tidak berimbas banyak

Faktor yang paling berpengaruh jelas 'migrasi'. Sebelum salah satu merit source 'libur' beberapa merit source lain udah dapet alokasi yang lebih banyak, bahkan sampai 2x atau mungkin lebih. Di sisi lain 'standar' jumlah merit per post udah makin ringan, jadi ga masuk akal kalau jumlah merit turun gara-gara salah satu merit source ga aktif, tapi tiga merit source lain selalu ada di daftar most generous merit sender.

Ane sendiri memang kesulitan mencari post mana yang bisa dikasih merit lagi di sub Indo karena tidak banyak jumlah post baru, sementara alokasi nyampe 100 lebih. Belum lagi smerit yang bukan alokasi merit source.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1084
Faktor yang bisa mendukung Bullish:
  • Bulani ini salah satu member kita mendaftar sebagai merit source AaZecky, kemungkinan aplikasi akan di pertimbangkan bulan Mei (barengan sama Halving bitcoin)  Cheesy
Ya semoga aplikasi nya diterima oleh theymos, mungking dengan adanya Fundamental yang bertebaran pada bulan Mei nanti aplikasi tersebut bisa diterima, sehingga bisa membuat merit jadi Bullish di Sub Forum Indonesia tentunya di distribusikan kepada post yang berkualitas.

Nah itu adalah analisis saya dengan bahasa saya sendiri :v
abaikan candle yang saya buat, itu hanya pemanis buatan Cheesy
Bahasa merit ala trader, oyong ada aja.  Tongue
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