I find it interesting that the US dollar has been going down, and commodities and gold have been rising. But over this same time frame the cryptocurrency markets have contracted quite a bit. So over the long term, do you see cryptocurrencies rising with gold and other commodities, or do you see it as something that competes directly with gold and oil. Conventional wisdom would tell you that it would rise and fall with other commodities, but this hasn't been the case so far. Or is it too early to see any valuable correlations?
As the cryptocurrency keeps on getting more and more popualr, people are starting to reialize how the blockchain technology could lead to the decentrelization to anything that could be stored digitly, from data to identity, and moeny, the whole world' enonomy involves around the us market and using the dollar as the main currency, and every international transaction needs to be governned by the finincial system, cryptocurrenies and the blockchain technology aims to decentrelize the international economy, international transactions and trades could be done quicker cheaper and without the involvment of any third parties, crypotocrrencies could simplify things and traders iand investors are starting to be aware of that, and soon it will take over the whole economy.