
Topic: US Dollar getting weaker... effects on cryptocurrency - page 2. (Read 240 times)

full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 100
although US dollar and crypto currency are different but I am sure indirectly bitcoin effects dollar prices and that is what some countries fear, day by day enthusiasts of crypto currency is continue to increase and the people more interested to Investment their money in crypto and in some countries bitcoin can be used as payment. bitcoin definitely give effect to the lower price dollar
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There is no connection between the price of crypto currencies and US dollar,if there is price fall in the US dollar value then it will leads to the price increase on crypto currency when we convert the crypto currency into dollars.If the dollar getting more weaker then people may start using crypto currency in their day to day usage but still we are in the early stages so nothing can be predictable now.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1000
dollar fall and commodities and gold has rasing but i think this is no related with bitcoin and fiat currency will still strong at least for next 50 years even though dollar was slightly falling but don't mean cryptocurrencies will taking over fiat position and also fiat supported by the government which mean they will not let dollar fall to the bottom so this is too early to talking about this
hero member
Activity: 1890
Merit: 831
It could be just one big economic recession, if dollar is falling one cannot establish a contact between it and the cryptocurrencies , they are different entirely but offcourse everything is interconnected till a extent, not directly though but dollar can affect Bitcoins a bit but not appreciable, since it's not related to Dollar or any other fiat.
But bitcoins will soon rise up again that's for sure but one cannot say anything about the dollar.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
USD is in its final stage to be a global reserve currency and it has to fall surely in one day.When USD falls,traditional choice of investors would be gold and now since its a crypto currency era,their ultimate choice should be crypto currencies.But we would have to wait for some more time to witness the change.
full member
Activity: 476
Merit: 105
We may consider it as one of the factors why USD got weaker or falls in terms of its values, even cryptocurrency have a strong influence to the point that it trends throughout the world and the vast increases in its individual price in the market makes you wonder it is the faulty one why local fiats decreases its value, it might be by economic activities that affect its prices, it something to do with the government or by the foreign exchange market, local fiats is still the most usable currency I doubt cryptocurrency alone can depict why USD got its dumps.
sr. member
Activity: 700
Merit: 300
I find it interesting that the US dollar has been going down, and commodities and gold have been rising. But over this same time frame the cryptocurrency markets have contracted quite a bit. So over the long term, do you see cryptocurrencies rising with gold and other commodities, or do you see it as something that competes directly with gold and oil. Conventional wisdom would tell you that it would rise and fall with other commodities, but this hasn't been the case so far. Or is it too early to see any valuable correlations?   

I am not really seeing any correlation between the crypto world and fiat currency. The crypto dump occurred first and it is since the end of December. We know very the fiat is falling since later times. I’m 100% sure that gold and other commodities has got to do nothing with the crypto. They are impermeable and by that I mean neither traders from that world has interest in the crypto world and vice versa. Means no investment is getting switched over two areas.

In the broad perspective it’s better we do not mix up two types of assets one being physical and other being virtual or I don’t know atomic!!
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1039
I find it interesting that the US dollar has been going down, and commodities and gold have been rising. But over this same time frame the cryptocurrency markets have contracted quite a bit. So over the long term, do you see cryptocurrencies rising with gold and other commodities, or do you see it as something that competes directly with gold and oil. Conventional wisdom would tell you that it would rise and fall with other commodities, but this hasn't been the case so far. Or is it too early to see any valuable correlations?   

I actually do see cryptos rising in price while fiat goes down in the coming few years. However, that's because I think the future is inclusive of crypto, because of the strong focus on virtual money and technology that the future may entail. Obviously with this, many people will be surrounding their lives with tech; anything that makes their lives easier in terms of technology will be implemented into their lifestyles. I don't think money is an exception to this. There was already a switch from hard cash to credit cards to virtual payment options like paypal, and I think the next step in this is crypto.

Given that, the more people that are using crypto, the less people will be using fiat, so I think it'll make sense in the future that crypto rises while we see fiat markets going down. Of course, my viewpoint is very optimistic, but I think it holds some truth if things go the way I see them to.
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1012
Usually commodity rise whan dollear is getting weaken,crypto is much more diffrent world
Personally i think if there is any free central banks free money stocks are rising first than crypto is pumped
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
All economists say that investment in bitcoin is very low and can not influence the dollar. But it seems to me that it is not. Perhaps Americans felt the trend of declining interest in the dollar. Lower prices for the dollar should increase its attractiveness and stimulate the US economy. I'm not sure it will have an impact on bitcoin.

I don't think that bitcoin will have an ability to be able to have an influence on the dollar. At least not until it's market capital is much bigger. But since bitcoin has a relatively fixed amount, when the dollar is down, bitcoin should be worth more dollars. (Like what has been happening with gold and oil) But this hasn't been happening. So, that gives me a slight reason to be concerned.
hero member
Activity: 1008
Merit: 510
I find it interesting that the US dollar has been going down, and commodities and gold have been rising. But over this same time frame the cryptocurrency markets have contracted quite a bit. So over the long term, do you see cryptocurrencies rising with gold and other commodities, or do you see it as something that competes directly with gold and oil. Conventional wisdom would tell you that it would rise and fall with other commodities, but this hasn't been the case so far. Or is it too early to see any valuable correlations?   

There are a lot of factors and variables that affect the cryptocurrency prices, but I think in general as the US dollar gets weaker, the value of cryptocurrencies will grow. Most fiat currencies are inflationary and most cryptocurrencies are deflationary so logically they should be diverging relative to each other. This assumes that there is demand for cryptocurrencies and that demand either is constant or increases.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 255
Live cams shows pimped with cryptocurrency
All economists say that investment in bitcoin is very low and can not influence the dollar. But it seems to me that it is not. Perhaps Americans felt the trend of declining interest in the dollar. Lower prices for the dollar should increase its attractiveness and stimulate the US economy. I'm not sure it will have an impact on bitcoin.
Activity: 182
Merit: 14
Effect on the cryptocurrency would be of great impact if the value of the dollar continues to fall. To become stronger supply and demand of the specific crypto must stay the same as long as the USD becomes weaker. There is the high possibility to get more USD from your crypto and that is indeed a great outcome for the crypto holders.

On the long-term USD will recover because of the government back up. This current inflation of the USD is currently very effective for the growth of the specific coins because as the main currency it is shaking the market with current weakness.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
I find it interesting that the US dollar has been going down, and commodities and gold have been rising. But over this same time frame the cryptocurrency markets have contracted quite a bit. So over the long term, do you see cryptocurrencies rising with gold and other commodities, or do you see it as something that competes directly with gold and oil. Conventional wisdom would tell you that it would rise and fall with other commodities, but this hasn't been the case so far. Or is it too early to see any valuable correlations?   
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