This is the sort of thing you'd expect to read in a fictional book such as 1984 but America has really become a real life police state,
The govt spies on it's people, strips away the constitution, up arms their police to deal with rebellions, shoots their own citizens...
It wasn't too long ago that I was a staunch conservative republican that would have called you a conspiracy nut. It real bugs me that i can't disagree and maintain any sense of intellectual honesty. The 2008 bailouts completely changed the way I think about government.
Well done, you've just defeated propaganda and become a person that can think for themselves, it's sad but there are still people out their who actually blindly think that way, I don't hold anything against anyone who likes democracy and government, but what I can't stand are loyalists who just obey no matter how stupid the command is.
The reason you can't disagree is obviously because it's true, it's like with mathematics, you can't disagree with a recorded historical fact, well unless you're a moron