All it takes is one moderately sized country to accept bitcoin for another country's banning it to have little impact. File sharing is illegal too, dumbass. So are drugs. How do they stop people from file sharing? Happens every day on an extremely large scale. The joke is on government and their banks
All it takes for pigs to fly is tota and complete absence of gravity and/or a set of powerful wings. Sadly (for the pigs, that is, not for the rest of us not interested in being pelted by pigshit), neither is any more likely to happen than a country adopting Bitcoin as its legal tender.
Regarding file sharing, you can't stop people from doing it completely -- you, for instance, will keep downloading warez forever, due to your angsty thieving nature.
But normal people? We pay people for their work instead of
sharing stealing it like you do, Wild One
I didn't say "adopt it as legal tender" I said "accept it" It certainly doesn't need to be somehow officially recognized to be wildly successful.
Either way, making Bitcoin illegal will have about the same impact as stopping mad gunmen from opening fire in gun free zones, and it will be even less successful than making file sharing illegal
Most governments already let you to play with your tokens, just like you're free to invest in and trade
BTCabies. As long as it remains mostly irrelevant, kept to crooks robbing other, dumber crooks, why should governments intervene? Which is not to say that as soon as bitcoiners get a dose of surprise buttsecs from their fellow crypto aficionados, they don't cry like little girls & run straight to Nanny State and her Jackbooted Thugs to make it all better.
As for 'mad gunmen in gun-free zones'? Please limit your rage to teh internets & try not to hurt IRL people, k Wild One?
Exactly, most governments already let you use Bitcoin. Mostly irrelevant?? Is that why Dell, Microsoft and PayPal are getting their feet wet with Bitcoin. Maybe you haven't heard of those companies...
Mostly irrelevant because Bitcoin's market cap is roughly double
net worth of Ty Warner -- the genius behind BTCeanie BTCbabies.Mostly irrelevant because
mentioned companies do not accept bitcoin, but rather USD.
"In other words, Dell, Expedia, Microsoft, and Time, Inc. don’t actually “accept” bitcoins, per se. They accept U.S. dollars. It’s their bitcoin processing partners who accept bitcoin."Though, I must concede,there are a few markets where Bitcoin is making substantial inroads.
Take criminal-to-criminal payments, for instance.
"Europol said that, according to its data, bitcoin accounts for as much as 40% of criminal-to-criminal payments online." Excelsior!
Going from a market cap of $0 to $5 Billion in 6 years for something that was started by a bunch of geeks and talked down upon by the media is an enormous gain by any standard. What was Apple's market cap after 6 years? I'm curious?
here's what I do know. Apple was founded in 1976. In 1983 their annual revenue was $1 Billion Dollars. In 1996, (20 years later) their market cap began declining from $10 Billion. Bitcoin touched $10 Billion in the first 5 years LOL. And there's plenty of room to grow considering that currencies are comprised of Trillion Dollar markets.
It's also a big step that you can pay for things with Bitcoin regardless of whether or not the currency is being instantly converted. The more places that you can spend bitcoin (by any method) the more comfortable businesses and individuals will start getting to the idea of bitcoin in general. Eventually, conversions won't even be necessary. Because why convert when you can make up to thousand percent gains holding bitcoins for a few years.
And, lastly, Bitcoin has a LONG way to go to catch up to the criminal usage of the US Dollar, which is surely measured in the hundreds of billions!
Say hi to your other troll friends for me...that is if they're not all being used by the same account holder.
Lol, @ all the backpedaling, 'Going from a market cap of $0 to $5 Billion in 6 years for something that was started by a bunch of geeks.'
Sure, when you start from nothing and end up with something, that's impressive; infinite % growth. That's also how every ponzi in the world works. Tho over the last 2 years, bit-coin has already lost 2/3 of its value on its way to zero.
For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return
To put your 5 billion in perspective, the first iteration of
Sergei Mavrodi's MMM ponzi snagged $10 Billion, so satoshi's paper $5 Billion is just meh. Sure, better than the
shit ponzis created on bitcointalk, but meh nevertheless. And Bitcoin's 'market cap' is pure paper -- Bitcoin price would implode if someone tried to sell as little as, oh, a million bitcoins
As far as catching up to
fiat's real money's criminal usage, compare Bitcoin's 5 billion 'market cap' to real money's $25 trillion. 5 million times more fiat, and yet
"bitcoin accounts for as much as 40% of criminal-to-criminal payments online."