The Texas governor position is more of an ambassador role and has no real power so they just put up empty suits with a southern drawl and who can act like a cowboy.
Any success Texas had while he was governor had more to do with the price of oil going up to around $150 per barrel while he was governor than anything he did. His getting paid by Merk to force teenage girls to get vaccinated for a specific strain of STD (that they later discovered causes cancer) is about as much as he ever did as governor.
Not worried about him becoming president anyway. His mouth will make sure that doesn't happen (same with Trump).
The Texas governor has no real power?
Where do you get this from? Please explain. the Governor's powers are limited to appointments to over 200 boards and commissions in Texas (approximately 3000 positions), mobilization of the Texas National Guard and Texas Rangers, and the line item veto. Just about every other office besides the board and commissions are elected by the People. The Governor has to be a very good persuader to get the Legislature (the law making and budgetary authority) to do what he wants, but he has no formal power over them. power lies with the Lieutenant governor:
First up, the lieutenant governor gets to be governor if the governor dies and even if the governor just leaves the state for a few days.
"The lieutenant governor appoints all the committee chairs of the committees in the Senate, determines where the bills are going to be sent and to what committees and the timing. And so this is extremely powerful,"
every bill has to come through a Senate Committee before it gets a final vote. Getting passed by the Senate is tough enough. But it's impossible if your bill never gets out of committee. Which makes the Lt. Governor's power to pick where to send a bill very important.
he can always send it over here you know to [the] State Affairs [committee] where he's stacked it with his friends, instead of over to say, [the] Health and Human Services [committee], where maybe he doesn't have as many friends,
The lieutenant governor still has power over a bill even if it makes it out of committee. They decide when a bill comes up for a vote, and when to recognize a senator for any floor action.