Let's stick to pure reputation here then. This foul-smelling, nasty looking, satoshi munching pacman (Legendster) has been around this forum for long enough and seems to be constantly getting embroiled in scammy shit, following which he writes pages of dribble to defend himself when caught, and finally has to resort to large fonts and bold letters to try and have the last word on any topic.
Well, it all ends here.
Please stay away from this character LEGENDSTER and any projects he promotes. Most are fraudulent.
I give you a chronological history of India's
2013: Car Sales Scam: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/user-legendster-scammer-202979
In 2013, Legendster claimed to be selling exotic cars from Porsches to Ferraris on the other side of the planet. Our delusional cryptocunt lives in a smelly part of India, yet was advertising cars for sale in America. As expected, he wasn't able to sell a windshield wiper, let alone a car, yet the forum had to suffer many many pages of nonsense in this regard.
1. legendster makes a claim of having recently sold a car for $36,000 in an "offline sale" (the car is a 911 Porsche turbo with California (US) plates -- user lives in India).
2. legendster offers us a series of photos of exotic cars he is currently offering in this post: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.2107280
3. legendster posted a photo of an Aston Martin with visible licence plate here:https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/560832_523780937656648_1588410876_n.jpg, making the match to images here: http://teamspeed.com/forums/automobiles/70436-2006-aston-martin-db9-volante-black-black-scottsdale-az.html irrefutable. The match proves photos presented by legendster are harvested from the web, having no other connection to legendster.
While the scam is absurdly juvenile and obvious on its face, and the odds of legendster successfully scamming anyone are laughable, mere presence of such low-grade cons on the Marketing/goods forum casts a shadow on the legitamacy of Bitcointalk.org as a reasonable place to conduct commerce. User legendster has been accused of scamming by several users within just the thread i've linked to above. User legendster is a Hero Member. Though "Hero Member" does not actually denote trustworthiness, the wording unquestionably implies it to new users. It's time to give legendster a scammer tag.
MODS: Even if you think it's a 13yr-old boy, and i'd say that's more likely than not, don't let these forums become a known hangout where 13yr-old boys can hone their scamming skilz. Without fearing anything, not even a scammer tag, when they're caught.
2015: BTC Loan Scam: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/quickseller-vs-legendster-954169
Legendster decides he can get rich quick by owning a Bitcoin faucet. But his broke ass can't buy it outright so he comes up with a good scam to fund his purchase:
2019: Promoting fraudulent projects
Justifying promoting fraudulent projects and taking no responsibility for the same.
Getting off topic here, but when you accept money in exchange for advertising for a business, you absolutely do bear some of the responsibility if that business is a scam. You're helping them scam people. Very basic logic here.
I wouldnt have come in and commented if the issue wasnt already being raised here.
And yes, I partly agree with you, which is why I think it is completely fine for Fortunejack sig campaign participants to show eagerness in busting or proving any scam accusations that is being made against the very entity that they have rented their signature spaces to.
I don't see the problem here.
Guys please ignore this imbecile Legendster, he obviously bears absolutely no responsibility for any project he promotes. Pls have a looksie here:
Sad that TaTaTu isn't focusing on being everything that they were supposed to be. Still, it's a good feeling to be mentioned there.
That's fucked up.
The short summary:
I'm not going to lie, fucking with you is a lot of fun. But thats not the [main] reason I do it, and I can vouch for everybody else you mentioned and say their case is probably the same. You say one thing, you contradict it with another. You have sketchy written ALL over you. You have scam on you almost as much. Its people like you who give bitcoins and bitcoiners a bad name.
To be updated...