An initial step has been taken to decrease the rewards for social signups and distribution of Valorbit.
The Ruby reward for adding a verified Facebook account has been halved.
The decrease is from 500 000 VAL down to 250 000 VAL only.
The network referral fee for a Ruby collected by an invited friend has also been halved.
The decrease is from 1 000 000 VAL down to 500 000 VAL only.
Earlier this month the large facebook rewards have been halved, as quoted above.
Before the end of month they will be halved again, and further reductions will be implemented during May.
This decrease applies only to new signups and newly collected referrals.
The already awarded Rubies will continue to be distributed at the original valuation until the full amount is received.
After these reductions in the free distribution a new announcement will be made related to the distribution of the coin in general and the coins not yet distributed.