...If you don't specifie the seed, the basekey is generated using timestamps (in us) plus the date and also passed into the pbkdf2_hmac_sha512.
The result of the pbkdf2_hmac_sha512 is then passed into a SHA256 wich is use as the base key.
Then we have the classic security problem of using pseudo-random seed. Alarm!
fix it faster to /dev/urandom
and human is not a source of truly random numbers.
(you can search when the possibility to set start rand seed by the user has been removed from the electrum)
This is a useful option for your program, but only when the user understands what he is doing.
You also may have noticed that I have an innovative implementation of modular inversion (DRS62) which is almost 2 times faster than the Montgomery one. Some benchmark and comments are available in IntMop.cpp.
...2) the field multiplication a*b = c mod p ; why do you use Montgomery, are you sure it is worth it?
YES! moreover, I guarantee you that the mult of montgomery is a source of slow, especially for GPU.
Why? because the cycles in the algorithm necessarily contain conditional transitions (
IF/cause), which greatly affects the parallelism(WARP) on GPU.
(i would keep silent if only cpu were used - no affect)
Why f montgomery? I see 2variants:
1) historically - the Montgomery algorithm is optimal due to the simplicity of mult (and most importantly - division!) bit word shift on base2;
and it - true! but not for gpu!)
2) legacy vanitygen
when samir7 wrote vanitigen (2010-2012), he used openssl. openssl used montgomery always or almost for universality.
for mult 4096 bits - is need. but we have 256 bits! I don’t have exact data, how much we win using montgomery at 256 compared to classic(column?), but I think about 15%.
However, each IF in the cycle kill speed by HALF! In Montgomery there is 1 or 2 (depending on modify algorithm).
(i would keep silent if or we counted points on a curve secp4096k1)
When you tell me, "I used Montgomery to mult 256bit!", this is the same as "I used the Furers algorithm/Schonhage-Strassen to mult 256bit!". What can I say, you're good!
but why?)
I understand your ego math. Your vanity does not allow you to multiply by a Column or Karatsuba
Have you improved the multiplication of montgomery? You are well done! I am sure that there are few people in the world who can do this.
But please make this program as correct. With all sincere respect for you and your work!
Hmm.. some joke:
Hi, Santa!
We have VanityGen on universal slooow openssl, Bitcrack on libsecp256k1 + miser comm about TheoremFermi, and VanitySearch on libArulberosECC optimize with (fast?)montgomery.
Please, do it so that once they do it right!
(+and raw non-working ec_grind by sipa)
When an OpenCL implementation?
I suppose never. I mean normal speed.
You know what happened with version clBitCrack?
Brichard19 promised to release in a couple of weeks, after two months something finally appeared, but at times slower than cuda.
And so far it is. What happened? Brichard19 can not program? No I do not think so, he norm.
Just optimizing the compiler Cuda has gone a lot ahead.
DireNvidia win, its fact.
Look for example:
https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1005/1005.2581.pdfon the other hand... new release JohnTheRipper 1.9
https://www.openwall.com/lists/announce/2019/05/14/1The release of the new version 1.9.0-jumbo-1 took place more than four years after the release of the previous 1.8.0-jumbo-1.
In the new version of John the Ripper, developers abandoned the CUDA architecture due to a decrease in interest in it and focused on the more portable OpenCL framework that works great on NVIDIA graphics cards.
cuda vs opencl?.. unclear