Hi dkbit98,
WalletScrutiny is a
ton of work and we are a small team, only.
our Methodology you can read our priorities:
1. Re-evaluate new releases of Reproducible wallets as they become available. If users opt for a wallet because it is reproducible, they should be waiting for this re-evaluation before updating.
Today I tested the latest releases of AirGap Vault and Green Wallet. Today, Green was a bit more work than usual.
2. Check if any of the Unreproducible! wallets updated their issues on their repositories.
We really hope to see more reproducible products, so we always have an eye on the dozens of open issues.
3. Make general improvements of the platform
That is the a catch-all for improving scripts, design and often just investigations. It's probably the bulk of the work.
4. Evaluate the most relevant Development wallets
For Android we have a good proxy for relevance - downloads. For iPhone we don't and neither for hardware wallets.
Unfortunately we are not progressing in the top category as fast as I wish we would but that has to do with severe lack of people to work with code. The k.o. criteria (custodial, bad interface, defunct, ...) are verdicts relatively inexperienced Bitcoiners can come to but when it comes to reproducing a wallet, it's mostly on me. Emanuel also does play with code and does a ton of work but refuses to open merge requests, so writing the difficult reviews is all on one person that also looks into all the other stuff.
So ... if you want to help, there is a ton to do from simple triage to compilation to design to spreading the word.