To keep it simple this whole digital currency craze has peaked my interest in so many ways over this past year that it makes me want to go back to school. I've realized after much thought that I carry 2 separate interest in the digital currency space and i don't want to double major though. The two separate areas are the economics of how digital currencies are affecting people worldwide and also the technological aspect as in wanting to fully understand the blockchain technology and what mining really is on a programming level.
Hi GeminiSimba,
Well, first I'd say, that going to study stuff is never a bad decision - if you're going to choose what to spend your life doing, learning comes pretty high up the list of worthwhile ways to waste some time!
I'm at a loss to know what to advise you really, because I don't feel remotely qualified to offer you advice! What specifically about cryptocurrencies is it that you find attractive/interesting? Is it the prospect of competing with and obseleting centralized money? Is it about the social/political aspects? Is it the technical challenge of problem-solving, and/or understanding how blockchains work? I'd ask yourself first - what do I really want out of this, and what do I consider a worthwhile use of my time?
I guess saying "it's all those things" is all fine and good, but it's kind of incompatible with a formal learning environment, because going to school to study stuff generally requires a specialisation and a conscious choice to be knowledgable in one area to the exclusion of another. Lots of worthwhile learning and self-development can be done outside the formal learning context too, just by hacking away at things and learning how they work.