Here is
what i think (warning: rant)
The PoW for scrypt-n is slower than that of scrypt. Fact. The PoW of scrypt is slower than that of SHA256, also fact. What makes the slower PoW of scrypt-n any worse than the also slow scrypt? The answer: because litecoin said so. The time needed for validation depends on the PoW algo and of the speed of the hardware doing the validation. As computers/asics get faster the time needed decreases. So it used to take longer than it takes now. I can't draw any other conclusion from this.
There have been no obvious disadvantages for the slower PoW, not for scrypt and not for scrypt-n. I'm sure litecoin has a thorough analysis (fud) for that too, but i bet they forget to mention how slow their PoW was when litecoin was cpu minable only and how that caused those big problems then ... NOT!
I've read litecoin's reasoning for not changing the PoW, and they only talk more fud. Yes, changing a PoW is not easy and yes it will (for a short period of time) cause problems for users. But for a coin that was meant to be asic resistant the community should/would want it to remain true to its principles? The devs want a stable (unchanging) coin, well no-shit-sherlock! Maybe asics are the one thing that undermines just that?!
Ultimatly what is comes down to is what makes a coin a coin.
Properties of a coin:
BEING ASIC RESISTANT or not or any other
groundbreaking new development
- Block time
- Rewards for miners and transaction cost, max. coins
- any form of pre-mining
- The community and bussinesses that accept the coin
- and technically its PoW
The PoW is largely irrelevant to the coin's users, it is only there to support the rest of the coin's properties.
If any of the coin's properties is broken/threatened its users will expect that this will be solved! Hard fork or not. Asics threatening the coin's basic properties is for sure a good reason for a fork. If LTC had decided to fork when needed then most altcoins would be dead. Most altcoins only exist because the devs fail to support the most important properties of the existing coins.
I've said it before and will do so again; LTC is dead now asics have removed its only reason to exist. In 6 month LTC will follow FTC into oblivion. I can't think of any real reason for litecoin not to change its PoW, other than MONEY, DEV'S MONEY, ASIC-DEV'S MONEY and politics!