<…> In any event, DdmrDdmr, are you planning on posting new data here as it comes out? I'm really hoping the merit distribution went up overall this past month.
The better place to follow these numbers is likely on this Tab, as @Rikafip pointed out (updated weekly):
https://public.tableau.com/views/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/MeritSendersReceivers?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_linkThe above can also be filtered by board, allowing for insights to be drawn at a more local level.
This thread should probably wither away soon. Nevertheless, I’ve update the Google Doc, adding a first tab that compares the basic monthly ratios for each profile:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wjr8gz-0AyyW5Che8L_kLnGUDlO6MsalQigxA-oS1ec/edit#gid=296162209The first tab compares 05/06/21 .. 04/07/21 (prior 30 days before changes in allocation) to 05/07/21 .. 03/08/21 (post 30 days). That roughly (give or take some hours) compares the Merit Source cycle before and after the changes, in 30 day intervals.
Whenever Merit allocation change, and are reset, there is a certain will to deplete the allocation with more ease, thus the comparison is really between a normal month to a hyped month, with all that entails.
Even so:
Overall sMerit awarded doubled, TXs rose nearly 63% (*), and the average merit/tx went from 1,65 to 1,99.
My data on the list shows that I awarded more 60,12% more sMerits (I remerited after the 30 day window, so my remeriting sMerits are not accounted for here), and my average merit/tx went from 1,11 to 1,93 (which seems to still fall short to deplete my allowance with ease).
(*) Two points off from what I posted before on another posts, but this post compares 30 day windows, whilst the other compared complete natural months.