There is no company representing the Internet. Somehow it achieved stellar success without a central advertising agency.
It took decades for the Internet to achieve its current level of penetration.
That is not an accurate statement at all.
The Internet's takeover of the global communication landscape was almost instant in historical terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000, and more than 97% of the telecommunicated info by 2007"
14 years from 1% to 97%
Plenty of us were around when it hit $100 and decided to pass 'cause it was too high to buy in...
Perhaps both tragically and amusingly, this pattern will continue repeating itself over and over for at least the next few years.
"oohh, $600, that's way too expensive for me" [even though you can very easily buy $6 worth of bitcoin today].
"ohh, $2500?! That's WAYYY too much money for me." [even though you will still be able to buy $50 or $500 worth of bitcoin a year from now].
"ohh, $10,000 per coin? Bitcoin was never this expensive before, I'll wait for it to come back down." [even though it will only ever keep going up year after year].
I went all-in via several buys when BTC was between 80 and 140. I told most of my friends and family to do the same. None of them did. I held.
I implored them to buy in when it reached 300, still none of them did. Now I've stopped bothering. I'll be rich enough for all of us anyway, soon.