you only own .08 BTC?
how can you get more?
Well, I've worked for mine, and I have no intent on buying any. It's more like a seperate currency with side jobs for me. It's also easier to work for it as opposed to buying it, but that's just my opinion.
thinking like that is kind of setting yourself up for failure though. bitcoin will never replace fiat, but it could be really big. also, there's evidence that bitcoin could be huge, but there's also very good reason to think that it will crater and crash. the future is unknown, so don't expect too much or you'll get stomped.
I'm thinking like that only to cheer you guys up. I have a much more semi-pessimistic state of mind otherwise. I expect it to remain at this value (In a slightly-more optimistic scenario) for a long time, but it could always just drop into oblivion. The future is the future, and I haven't met any time travelers yet.
However, bitcoin MAY replace fiat. Not by being the cheif currency of every nation, but changing it out so that cryptos become common within nations, maybe going so far as being the gold reserve for said cryptos. Or another coin will take over, I don't know. The future is anyone's guess.