Have not hear the winner of Q2, probably will quote the requested post with an address I hope.... that been said, what a luckbox member he started at the WO and I think Phil_S boosted him up with merit so he could last minute participate, and know he won ..... nice story
Yeah.. probably better to have more solid members participating, rather newbies, and since you are actually paying people, which I kind of think is weird, but whatever... Anyhow, since you are paying peeps, you might even require that participants wear a hat or at least have enough merits and activity to qualify for a hat..... . I know that would eliminate a lot of members from participating in such a game, but at the same time it could inspire participants to rank up become more active in the forum in order to be eligible.... hahahahahaha
I have no problem with rank has its privileges, and I know the first few years that I participated in this forum, mostly my posts were ignored, but then after many years of participation, then the attention can become too much... ... so gotta tell peeps, even ones that I kind of like, to fuck off, more than I would have preferred in a more ideal world. But, hey, we don't live in an ideal world, these are the strange dynamics of internet avatars, personas, bots and teams... though not too many peeps have figured out how to pull a great team card.
I recall the whiner shroomskit used to proclaim that other people were posting through his account which suggested that micteam is not the first WO participant(s) to think of employing a team strategy.