Does anyone besides Tone and Tyler still think we are in a Bear Market?
I have been surprised by the power of the recent surge with so much time before the halvening, still think we are due for some serious pull backs in the near future, but surely no one can deny with a straight face that the Bull is upon us.
@JJG, Id like an update on your certainty of the Bull in percent terms kind sir. I remember a while back at a much lower price you stated 51 percent certainty. Hopefully you are in the 90's now
More or less I think that you are asking about the odds that the "bottom is in" for this cycle, and that bottom is the $3,122 price from mid-December 2018 (seems so long ago, but of course, not as long as it seems).
So yeah, I believe that the last time that I mentioned anything related to whether the bottom was in, was a couple of weeks ago, when we were still in the sub $9k-ish... and in that context, I was attempting to suggest to 48 that he might want to just pay hairy for the bottom is in prediction, and I think that I suggested that the odds were quite less than 40%.. and maybe even more realistically in the sub 33% arena.
Currently, I would say that we might even be in the sub 20% arena.. and perhaps 25% if we are trying to be charitable to bears. 90% does seem a bit too high of an assignment currently, but we are likely 90% likely to not go below $1k or maybe $2k, but even that could be pushing it a bit to assert that level of certainty towards something that could be within the power of some rich folks, banks and or governments to update unite forces in an attempt to achieve (though again, seemingly unlikely - in the sub 25% and maybe more realistically in the sub 20% - to get any kind of event (or set of events including FUD spreading) that could even bring BTC prices to new lows, currently when there is decently ongoing UP momentum).
Edit:Furthermore, this out of control baby bull
BTC seems to be growing up too damned fast for his own good, and likely needs a bit of a spanking.... but none of us really know how to tame this bad boy... instead he is trampling all over the clowns in the stadium... and seeming to be a wwwwwweeeeeeeeeee bit pissed off about his upbringing.
Sucks to be a bullpen clown, these days..... Wwwweeeeeeeeee.
I like your probabilities(optimistic but reasonable), even if I am higher in the 90 percent(optimistic perhaps to a fault) plus range in terms of certainty that the bottom is in. The baby bull has grown faster than foreseen due to the Fed printing so much fiat steroids and infusing them into his food and water supply.
I still expect a major correction back into the 5-7k range and I believe if this happens then the fall will be so large that bears and weak hands will start calling for a new low to materialize before the halving. Even if these prices occur I will be over 90 percent sure imo that the bottom is in. I have more fiat ready to buy such a correction, but as Im over 90 percent net worth invested I don't care if it never happens and we march straight to 100k
If 3 months pass by without significant correction then I will probably just deploy the fiat and scoop up some more coin regardless of price.
@Central Bankers: We know you read this thread so listen up! You wont get one precious coin from me at sub 50k prices so stop calling my cell and pretending to be Microsoft technicians alerting me to a virus. I know who you are and what you really want