I have nearly 30%, which i always thought to be quiet large.. however, I have the feelings it should be more now. at least 50%
Why would I have anything in anything else?
For once, because it is difficult and expensive to trade btc in IRAs (individual retirement accounts, which most Americans have).
My btc is currently about 66-70%, with % rising fast .
I went 0 to 20% during the first 12 mo of accumulation; after that: one largish sell, then only small buys and sells.
Re s-tcoins: it could be fun if you only invest/gamble a small sum. To me, it beats gambling in Vegas. You can put a few bucks on some stupid coin and win 1000% in a few days/months or lose everything. I don't pretend to make a "portfolio" out of this. It's just a game, just like Gamestop and AMC was a "game" for some people to take the sorry state of affairs (quarantines, etc) off of their minds in 2021.