He is still inside the Thai Exclusive Economic Zone, 12 miles off the coast of Phuket. The Thais have the right to control navigation within the EEZ, which is why they are claiming in the article that he is blocking shipping.
Edit: I googled the United Nations Law of the Sea which can be downloaded in pdf here:
https://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdfArticle 60 is clear that seasteads which are outside territorial waters are still under the jurisdiction of the coastal state if within the EEZ. I would say he needs to move to more than 200 miles offshore to be out of Thai jurisdiction.
Article 60
Artificial islands, installations and structures in the exclusive economic zone
In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have the exclusive right to construct and to authorize and regulate the construction, operation and use of:(a) artificial islands;
installations and structures for the purposes provided for in article 56 and other economic purposes;(c) installations and structures which may interfere with the exercise of the rights of the coastal State in the zone.
The coastal State shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such artificial islands, installations and structures, including jurisdiction with regard to customs, fiscal, health, safety and immigration laws and regulations.3. Due notice must be given of the construction of such artificial islands, installations or structures, and permanent means for giving warning of their presence must be maintained. Any installations or structures which are abandoned or disused shall be removed to ensure safety of navigation, taking into account any generally accepted international standards established in this regard by the competent international organization. Such removal shall also have due regard to fishing, the protection of the marine environment and the rights and duties of other States. Appropriate publicity shall be given to the depth, position and dimensions of any installations or structures not entirely removed.
4. The coastal State may, where necessary, establish reasonable safety zones around such artificial islands, installations and structures in which it may take appropriate measures to ensure the safety both of navigation and of the artificial islands, installations and structures.
5. The breadth of the safety zones shall be determined by the coastal State, taking into account applicable international standards. Such zones shall be designed to ensure that they are reasonably related to the nature and function of the artificial islands, installations or structures, and shall not exceed a distance of 500 metres around them, measured from each point of their outer edge, except as authorized by generally accepted international standards or as recommended by the competent international organization. Due notice shall be given of the extent of safety zones.
6. All ships must respect these safety zones and shall comply with generally accepted international standards regarding navigation in the vicinity of artificial islands, installations, structures and safety zones.
7. Artificial islands, installations and structures and the safety zones around them may not be established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation.
8. Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf.