Dry breaks for both liquor and herb are quite nice from time to time indeed.
The Herb is a gift from Jah that helps me feel more in tune with life and relaxed. It inspires me to do creative things, and being more calm, reasonable, and introspective, while enduring the human condition, on a daily basis.
Alcohol, on the other hand, just shuts me down, and destroys any ability to work at anything resembling peak-efficiency.
The Herb has been a part of my life for longer than I care to admit. I've considered donating my body to science upon my passing, as a case study for chronic herb use, but Rick has some reservations.
I would rather eliminate all other vices from my life, than part with The Herb.
The Herb is life.
EDIT: Looks like a play for $5,300 is in the making.
Congrats bro.
It has been a couple of decades since I don't drink DAILY. And I mean huge amounts DAILY. I might have an addiction, I don't really know since I have never tried to not drink. I almost feel like it doesn't impair my efficiency, much on the contrary. Only noticeable con is that I can't drive my sports car at this alcohol levels, which is something I really liked.
Even if I (or anyone around me) don't think it really impacts my life, behaviour, or work in a negative noticeable way, I think at my age I should reduce the ingest levels (which I somehow already did several years ago going from Whisky-coca cola to beer and wine), or I will soon should start to develop serious health issues (or so they say about alcohol in amounts *orders of magnitude* less than I do ingest).
But that, I think, needs a lifestyle change. That's one of the reasons I have bought my new property, to do more physical activity and maybe exchange alcohol for that. I hope it will work... at least I have done what my (not so much) money could do to ease my transition into a new lifestyle. I have put it all on the table, now it is on me to take advantage of it and.... change myself.
If some day soon I can also say I have been completely dry for whatever time (even a single day as a start), I will keep you guys updated
Congrats again!
P.S.: Never even tried *ANY* other drugs out of fear I would like it and become addicted (I am thinking about cocaine here). Except for smoking 2-3 packs a day during most of my life, which is something I already stopped completely 5 years ago (THAT was seriously and noticeably hurting my health).