I’m 2.1BTC away from a round number that I set myself as my total HODL stash. I might be able to reach it if we stay in this range until maybe Xmas.
If not then whatever, I have enough. Just a bit of OCD wanting to reach a certain figure.
I'm a bit more than 16.15 BTC above my number. You can have some of mine, since you are so nice and sweet.
I am only 4.5BTC away from 10btc. It'll take a while if bitcoin keeps rising like this. 5 was my first target and I accomplished it a few weeks ago. 10 is next. 21 is after that. I'll probably cash out to lambo (by lambo i mean whatever i like) before I reach 21 but who knows.
Tone Vays says sub $3k, even sub 2k is still possible. I might get 4-5 coins instantly if that happens.
Enough bitcoin does not exist I shamefully learnt over the years. Each time you reach some imaginary goal you then want to aim for the next interesting or round figure. Examples of milestones probably sounding familiar to some:
'1 out of 21 million', 'same amount as decimal places', '1 out of 10 million', 5, 10, 'a 12.5 block', '1 out of a million', 'a 25 block', '1 out of 500k', 'a 50 block', 'stacking blocks of various sizes', '1 out of 100k', '1 out of 10k', '1 out of 1k', 'I save a few extra for family members', ...