A lot off topic but had to share with someone cos I'm trying to stay strong for my wife at the moment. Children for us are off the cards due to medical reasons so we've got two beautiful dogs. Unfortunately, our eldest, Nismo, well he's fallen very ill and in a few hours barring a miracle I'll likely be saying goodbye to him for the last time. Back in 2020 he had to have spinal surgery which cost a lot of money (would spend it again in a heartbeat) and BTC helped him there too. Sadly, doesn't look like money will solve the problem today.
If you have dogs, hold them extra tight for me tonight, they really are the greatest gift and best friend. I truly am lucky to have had his light shine on our lives for the last 14 years. I'll post a picture of him later just so everyone can appreciate him and how amazing he was/is
Anyway sorry for the off topic but yeah.... I'm just heartbroken
I just saw this and very sorry for your loss/upcoming loss.
Some people clone their beloved pets.
I could see both sides of the argument: it would be the same dog genetically, but it would have to learn to love you again.
Cost is about 0.5 btc, give or take ($50,000).
I was just recently reading an article about it.
EDIT: just for description..I think the article was saying that they need an ear from the recently deceased pet (
not frozen). I don't recall much else apart from the fact that cloning is now very efficient, but dogs are more challenging to clone.
Not sure if i have seen this article or another one:
https://nypost.com/2024/11/14/lifestyle/the-50000-dog-cloning-business-is-booming/I could never do that, he'd never be the same personality and that's what and where the real love came from but thank you for your condolences. Here are two pictures that capture him perfectly, I know most won't care but that's ok. If any of you do have dogs, please hold them tight for me. Little Nismo is gone now but he lives on in all the treasured memories he left behind
This made me remember my dog Billy. It was so energetic and full of life but it was unfortunate i lost it to an accident from a moving vehicle that hit it four years ago. It survived the accident and i gave it some medications which looks as though it was recovering, only for me to wake up 2 days after the accident to see it lying lifeless in the cage i kept it for it to heal. I feel so emotional right now because there is this kind of connection between dogs and human that can't really be explained.
When i was much younger, my grandpa told me a story of how all the animals planned against hunters to take their guns away while they were out of their houses so that the hunters won't have any guns to hunt them again in the bush, but the dog went and reveal the secrets of the animals to the hunters and the hunters took their guns out of the house, so when the animals came, they couldn't find the guns again but i have forgotten how my grandpa narrated to me about how the animals found out that it was the dog that reveal the secrets and the animals banish the dog out from the bush and that was the reason why dogs lives more with humans than animals. This may be a childhood fairy tale but i could still remember some part of the story after so many years.
Indeed the dog is humans best friend. Sorry Billy, wish you could come back alive again but it's all memories now. After the death of Billy, i couldn't raise any dog again because i was afraid of losing it someday.
Sorry that happened to Billy, I'm sure he loved you greatly and knew you tried your hardest to save him.
Please, in time, consider another dog. Yes, the thought of having to face losing them again is terrible and hard, but the love they bring to the table is more than worth the pain you must endure.
I remember hearing a story once, not sure if an anecdote or not but here goes...
A family once had to put down their precious dog and the father asked why dogs lives are so short. The young child who was close to the dog said he knew why... "People are born so they can learn how to live a good life, do the right things and love everybody. Dogs already know how to do that so they don't have to stay for as long as we do"
I find comfort in that, while it's probably just a story, the meaning is there all the same