I went from being a poor person that everybody claimed would amount to nothing to a degree in Math and self-made fortune. Mostly thanks to a game with proper incentive structures. And I want to recreate the experience for future generations, if I can. Not everybody wants to sacrifice their lives for "the greater good". Especially when the world seems to be set against you. But with the right incentives people might just end up doing so while enjoying themselves.
Are you talking about bitcoin as "a game" in which you were able to accumulate a "self-made fortune"?
In one regard, you seem to be describing a kind of math elitism, rather than a world in which everyone can self-describe their actions and their ways of achieving self-realization or whatever that may be for them. So in that regard, there are various degrees of math, logic and emotions. We are not completely mathematical beings so people engage in a lot of conduct based on emotions and even errors of logic or adequate facts.
Even with the "right incentives" it can take a whole hell of a long time for value to flow into something like bitcoin, and maybe even a world with out distractions and snake-oil salesmen might be too unrealistic of a wish.. because scams and scums are likely going to continue to exist and suck in both innocent and well-intended people.
Do you think that we can change those kinds of seemingly likely and what I would consider to be "human nature" dynamics that are not all math-based and logical? And, how you going to make sure that people are both exposed to the correct facts, and then thereafter are ready, willing and able to assign proper or even reasonable weight to such facts?