Surely I like the new poll:
>>>>>>How many BTC does it take to be a fuckyoucoiner?
I am presuming this to be a question based on current market conditions, and BTC expectations on such current market conditions.. so to be able to say that you are in a kind of "fuck you" status right now.. and based on minimum number of coins to perceive yourself to have sufficiently reached such "fuck you" status.
Since you may have seen some of my posts on that subject, you likely have a decent idea where I fall. Accordingly, I do believe that the ranges at the bottom are too small and the ranges at the top are too large, but I suppose we can see where the respondents fall and I suspect that the results should skew towards the top.... based on what I believe to be the presumptions of the question; however, can already see that the results seem to be more scattered so responders seem to be reaching presumptions different from my own... who would have thunk?
Yeah it's pretty ambiguous. Maybe a time frame would be helpful, but I figured I'd let everyone keep their own timeframes.
I’m not going to reveal what I voted because it would possibly reveal how many coins I have.
Not to ruin your opsec... so you do not need to admit or deny anything on any personal level; however, my totality of considering you and your posts. I am going to put you at about 70 coins... which causes you to be close to overlapping two of the poll question categories.
No comment other than I’m not near the bottom options but not near the top either.