Relevance to my observation that dishonest and dishonorable opponents are once again using falsehoods to try to taint a coin by association? None.
Your relentless defensiveness and apologism for creepy people and aspects of things you have no influence over is really bleedin' weird.
It is not a defense of people. It is in defense of my preferred blockchain. Are you so dull as to not see that? (I rather doubt it). Are you going to tell me that the intent of the post to which I replied was not to besmirch SV? Ayre is not SV, and SV is not Ayre. Ayre is neither the CEO of BSV. Such is a lie. Why do you defend a lie? Defense of lies is reprehensible. Defense of the truth is not. Casting aspersions upon those defending the truth is 'creepy'. Not to mention reprehensible.
Unintentionally appear to have hit a sore spot
Whether we are referring to the Calvin Ayer picture, or just suggesting that Ayer is attempting to proclaim to be the CEO of BSV, jbreher is frequently on a tear and more than willing to run to the defense and support almost any and all of the behaviors of any scammer that supports BIGBLOCKER ideations.
WTF are you on about?
A little thing called, "truth." Have you heard of it? Oh, I see from the remainder of your post, you are trying to claim a vision about "truth," yet you may either need spectacles or perhaps if you were able to remove yourself from your bias, you might be able to at least recognize that you are in the wrong thread for propagating such supposed self-described "truths"
The claim that Ayre is the CEO of BSV is an out-and-out lie.
Nah.. it is just an exaggeration to suggest both that there is a pretty small group of influencers in connection with Bcash SV, and Ayes plays a very central role with his bank account.... so who fucking cares about any remaining details that don't matter? except for BIGBLOCKER sympathizers like yourself.. who wants to purposefully come up with an excuse to pump baloney narrative of all the supposed greatness of Bcash from your point of view.. and again who cares, this is a bitcoin, not a shitcoin thread.
Once again, I try to inject some actual truth into the discussion, and once again, you call me out as if adhering to the truth is somehow shameful.
You are not injecting truth, you are injecting irrelevant details down the road of off-topicness.
Our various exaggerations do not need to be corrected or rerouted by supposed truth from your perspective because it is both off topic, and few people here (besides yourself) gives a ratt's ass to want to verify the extent to which you might be somewhat true in your representations of such skewed views that BIG BLOCKS are great.... so in that regard, your self-proclaimed abilities to spot truth are questionable at best, and surely also there have been plenty of times that you have presented a vast variety of spins as if they were factual truths, and they were spins of conclusions that you would like to reach about speculative flaws that you view there to be in BTC... so get off of your petard of a high horse, dear kind sir.
Go fuck yourself.
No need to get sexual about this, especially when you are the one trying to inject off-topicness in the guise of purported "truth" as if it were actually relevant in these here parts.
Didn't you know that you (as the equivalent of a cat) were in bat country, here?