Davos: the backlash
Corp profits above pay trend for a while. Author thinks that it should go back to trend.
An opposite opinion: why a few have so many?
Pareto law as an explanation (J. Peterson):
Finally: tax collection employes supercomputer/service
Integration of all three:
If the trend would become toward more taxation (as Davos article predicts), then the rich would probably employ crypto in some form, hopefully, bitcoin.
Bitcoin is dealing with high gini already, so it won't be a problem to absorb a $ trillion or two or ten.
this chart is old but it represents the wealth inequality trend It has gotten really bad over the last 10 years.
I'm sure most of you are wealthy enough or libertarian enough to not be concerned about the younger generation and lower class. Millenials can't even afford to purchase houses, most of the new wealth created is getting sucked up by the top. Baby boomer generation could at least work a normal job and have a good life but today things are upside down. The thing is this can't go on much longer before the inequality gets too out of hand and with job automation getting worse. Will eventually be revolution unless things change.