Infofront, this forum you linked is the most depressing thing I've ever seen. Seriously, look at posts like this: monkeybar swinging - holding on to what they've got while seeking something better and not letting go of the old until they've secured the new 'provider'. Even if they claim that's not what they're doing, they're subconsciously designed to do exactly that and will do that. The woman is not actually possible to satisfy no matter if you're Brad Pitt or whoever and is always out shopping around for an upgrade in some particular category or redundancy backup because that is their nature.
For men, a lot of socializing is discussing ideas. Like when a man walks by a microwave, he thinks in his brain "how does this object work". When a woman walks by a microwave, she does not give a flying shit how it works. Her only discussion of such an object is going to revolve around what it can do or provide for her. Such is the same with most female socializing. The majority of it is all some mating game. Unless she's socializing only with other females, then she's either attempting to form a coalition against a woman she does not like, or she's attempting to form a coalition with other women to try and pressure and trick men into doing things for them.
For the woman in the above topic, even if she does not cheat (the odds of her doing so aren't that high but still there), what she will do is form some type of plan in her head that in case of emergency, she detected some passing interest in her from "bob from accounting" and in the back of her mind, any given scenario interacting with you in which you don't treat her like god she can then throw a tantrum, leave, and try to pursue him instead. So just by allowing her to roam at all and have these backup options, you've increased the amount of leverage she thinks she can pull against you in any situation.
It's a lose/lose scenario all around. There's not much of a winning solution here except not get married at all, and much of the above situation is due to humans not being designed to live in enormous population centers where such options are even possible in the first place, doubly so when including social media. In normal human development, her only option would be something like leaving for Bob the 65 year old, 300 pound blacksmith with a ZZ top beard, so she has no leverage against you to demand you be her servant.