Do you understand what a soviet style collapse implies?
Stalin, 50 million dead. Mao, even more, maybe as high as 100 million. Cambodia, a full third of the population died. And on and on. Two hundred million corpses give or take.
The EU wants an army, and at this rate they will get it. It will be used against the civilian population, just as the above gentlemen did.
Thousands of migrants are heading to the US border. They will be gunned down if they try to cross, or more will come, and it will never stop. In europe they are already here and entrenched. EU wants to make criticism of immigration illegal, and again, it will likely happen.
And of course we all know how the economy is doing.
If the US ends up losing its global leadership position, that will lead to chaos on a global scale as the power vacuum is filled by someone else.
It's a perfect storm of all the things that can go wrong all at once, and there are no positives of any meaningful impact.
What I am not sure is what the exact problem that would inevitably lead in a collapse of epic proportions is. Economic collapse? Inmigration? Something else?
I can see factors and cycles, yeah, but I still don't see that "perfect storm" you are talking about.
the deficit is intentional, some people benefit the rest for them obeyed. If everyone refuses any action than will restored Paradise, will change the laws of physics, and food to housing will not even be needed. The universe is a mirror of our mood, any help creates a need for it, so that the helper can show help. Good is also is evil because it creates it. God is in every person, we are perfect, we create the events only by our mood, but dark forces is beneficial to keep us in the delusion that we do only what is advantageous to them. It is not even beneficial to them, they just do not understand that happiness is not in power, but inside