I start to think that maybe we, humans, set ourselves on some kind of a suicide path.
I don't want to sound like Ibian, but we probably have headed our boat for catastrophe. Not much we can do now though. May as well enjoy Rome before it burns.
I don't understand what makes people subscribe to this narrative. What makes you think that we're heading for disaster when just about everything has been getting better on average for the past however many decades?
I'm more worried about a meteor smashing earth than humans fucking anything up before someone banking on a solution for whatever problem. And I'm not really worried at all.
http://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdfHistory repeats. It's much like the seasons, every time is different but the overall pattern remains. Things are shit, people make them better, then things turn to shit again. And the longer peace and prosperity reigns, the harder the fall.
All the signs are there. It will likely be a soviet style collapse, but this time on a large scale.
C'on Ibian, we have never in history lived better than we do for the past few decades. Or can you point out any moment in time you would have better preferred to live?
Which part didn't you understand? The better things are and the longer it goes on the worse it will be when it all ends.
As BITCOINMILLIONAIRE said, even if we were on the verge of an implosion/collapse, we would still end better than we were a few decades ago. It's not like we are going to go back to stone age.
Do you understand what a soviet style collapse implies?
Stalin, 50 million dead. Mao, even more, maybe as high as 100 million. Cambodia, a full third of the population died. And on and on. Two hundred million corpses give or take.
The EU wants an army, and at this rate they will get it. It will be used against the civilian population, just as the above gentlemen did.
Thousands of migrants are heading to the US border. They will be gunned down if they try to cross, or more will come, and it will never stop. In europe they are already here and entrenched. EU wants to make criticism of immigration illegal, and again, it will likely happen.
And of course we all know how the economy is doing.
If the US ends up losing its global leadership position, that will lead to chaos on a global scale as the power vacuum is filled by someone else.
It's a perfect storm of all the things that can go wrong all at once, and there are no positives of any meaningful impact.