Yeah indeed .... even from 200-300 to the price of today is incredible
I started at an average cost per BTC around $1,200 in late 2013, but that did not last long because as we know the price continued to drop for about a year and then get stuck in a low point of mid $200s for nearly another year, so buying as the price came down brought down my average cost per BTC to about $500 by early 2017. In early 2017, I had some phone porting hacker issues when the BTC prices were in the $1,100 arena which caused my cost per BTC to rise to over $700 (due to losses)..... ..
I guess that my point is even if any of us BTC HODLers have some screw ups along the way that bring up our average cost per BTC, just from being in BTC for so long and striving towards BTC accumulation we still are likely sitting fairly pretty from the great BTC price appreciation.... even if we may not have received the full value of that two year long BTC price appreciation that started from $250 in mid to late 2015.
I understand that there are also some BTC HODLers that might be in the $2k to $5k per BTC costs, and even they are not in a bad place with current BTC price dynamics and the threats that the price might go lower.. (but it might not, also... hahahaha)
The HODLers who are in the red, right now (might have average costs per BTC in the $8k to $19k range, but it really seems a lack of commitment to BTC if anyone has not been able to bring down their cost per BTC during the last more than 6 months), probably need to HODL and continue to buy BTC to continue to attempt to bring down their average cost per BTC, and it seems quite likely that just a few years down the road and perhaps as long as 5-10 years they are quite likely to experience decent price appreciation that outcompetes various traditional investments (no guarantee of course, but strategy and plan can help to increase the odds of HODLers and their position in the upcoming world that is likely to include more BTC awareness into the future).
I'm not disciplined enough to know my average cost, would be intresting to know though. First time I bought bitcoin was coming down from its MtGox $32 dollar all time high and I was in the red for ages afterwards because it kept going all the way down to $2. However I lost my entire first stash in the bitcoinica hack. Last time I bought was in the $250 range. I sold off a bunch too early though still at extremely good profit. I don't think the strategy of buying all the way down and selling all the way up works for me. I like to try and time bottoms to accumulate then mostly hodl, if I can i will try to diversify on tops. That might mean only a few trades in a few years. Banking problems hindered me on the last top. Its a constant learning experience.