No you don't, otherwise you would be complaining constantly about people like the Japanese or Koreans who are far more nationalist than any white person probably ever was. You're a typical self hating, bad genes, inferiority complex, white shitlib, Antifa scumbag. Ever noticed how all Antifa members look like giant rodents or some type of mutant while the opposition side looks far more normal?
From being poor genetic disposition and weak, they get dumped in trash cans all through school, and can only relate to other weaklings, underdogs, and gutter trash. It's mostly their own kind who have tormented them over the years, so they see their own kind as the enemy and pretend some outsiders are going to treat them any better. Totally false. 'Bullying' is a completely normal natural selection process practiced by every animal on earth. Even little cats and such beat the shit out of each other to find out who is the top cat. You will either adapt and overcome, or be weeded out and go extinct.
You are prime evidence the Spartans probably had the right idea of expelling all the defective people who were unfit to live in their civilization. Otherwise they all just form a big special interest group of mentally ill and defective to lobby against the actual functional ones and destroy civilization.
I love you