So, when Franco started the Spanish Civil War, he was a left-winger?
Did some quick and dirty google-fu. Looks like it was a right wing rebellion against a leftie government. That's the best that can be hoped for when the state and the people have become polarized. See also: Let them eat cake!
I think a 'fascist military coup' against a democratically elected government is what many would say, but no matter. The end result was a fascist state that lasted until 1976. Franco didn't kill 'outsiders' unless 'anyone who opposes us' counts as an outsider. They were his own countrymen and he borrowed Stuka bombers from his buddy Hitler to bomb towns and slaughter non-combatants.
All I wanted to point out was that murder of your own people was the pursuit of the left, but not the right (which was what you stated) was wrong. I can't see how what Franco's nationalists did in starting the Spanish Civil War doesn't prove that point.
Edited: for clarity
Democracy doesn't work in the long run. That's why we have this cycle of rising and falling empires, we have not yet found a stable system. Franco specifically went after left wing groups, that's what it was about. Right vs left. The fact that the state was on the left is just bad luck for them, and a reminder why we should not let that happen.
The state and the people are always opposed. The state is not Us. If the state had won it would have continued to become even more left wing until eventually they reach soviet conditions. And then even more people would have died. Franco quite likely saved millions of lives. It's just that it's hard to see a less-bad result as a win.
Individual freedom is a temporary thing that can only exist between extreme right wing and extreme left wing conditions. It is the exception. We are exceptionally lucky to live in the time we do. But it won't last, and it's in our best interest - your own, personal, selfish interest - to study how it works and prepare accordingly.
And as a final note, Hitler is not a magic incantation that invalidates anything it touches.